Lab 1 Flashcards
Cercis occidentalis
Family: Fabaceae
Common name: Western Redbud
- Multiple bare, smooth trunks,
- Rounded, cordate leaves with a smooth margin
- Flattened legumes (green from the current year, brown from previous years)
- A profusion of pink and purple papilionaceous flowers (in the springtime)
Genista x spachiana
Family: Fabaceae
Common name: Florist Genista
- Small leaves that fall off in the summertime
- Tough, green stems that allow the plant to photosynthesize year-round
- Long, loose spikes of fragrant flowers in late spring
Lupinus spp.
Family: Fabaceae
Common name: Lupine
-Brightly-colored, papillionaceous flowers (with banners, wings, and keels)
-Upright conical or cylindrical racemes, often with the flowers in regular whorls
and (most distinctively)
-Alternate, palmately compound leaves with 9-15 lanceolate leaflets
Mimosa spp.
Family: Fabaceae
Common name: Sensitive Plant
-A low-growing plant or small shrub
-Hairs and thorns along the stem
-Pink or white “puffball” flowers (when in bloom)
-Delicate, bipinnately-compound leaves that respond to touch by folding up
Wisteria sinensis
Family: Fabaceae
Common name: Chinese Wisteria
- Leaves that are odd-pinnate with 9-13 lanceolate leaflets
- Numerous flowers in drooping racemes, 6-12 inches long
Ajuga reptans
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: Carpet Bugle
- A mat of waxy, dark green foliage spreading by stolons
- Opposite, elliptic leaves with entire margins
- Vertical stalks of blue or purple flowers sticking up 6-8 inches
- Clumps of small flowers on opposite sides of the stalk, subtended by an oval, leaf-like bract
- Tubular corollas with broad lower lips that are lobed into the shape of a gingerbread man
Rosmarinus officinalis
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: Rosemary
- Narrow leaves that are green on top and silvery-pale below
- Pale blue flowers with arching stamens that deposit pollen on the backs of visiting insects
Magnolia liliiflora
Family: Magnoliaceae
Common name: Lily Flowered Magnolia
- Bright purple flower buds standing upright on bare branches in the spring
- Flowers that are white inside, purplish outside
- Leaves are 4-6 inches long
Magnolia stellata
Family: Magnoliaceae
Common name: Star Magnolia
- Elliptic leaves
- Flowers made of many thin, white petals
Magnolia x soulangiana
Family: Magnoliaceae
Common name: Saucer Magnolia
- Fragrant, late-winter blooms that are white to pink or puplish red
- Branch tips that fork around the flowers to form distinctive “Y-shaped” tips
- Large, obovate leaves that widen in a long “V”
- Abruptly acuminate leaf tips
Chionanthus retusus
Family: Oleaceae
Common name: Chinese Fringe Tree
- Opposite leaves that are glossy green above, pale and downy on the underside
- White flowers with 4 petals, borne in upright panicles at the ends of young shoots
- Gray bark that sometimes forms a diamond pattern
Forsythia x intermedia
Family: Oleaceae
Common name: Forsythia
- Bright yellow flowers on long, bare, unbranching stems
- A corolla of four long petals fused at the base to form a shallow cup
Jasminum mesnyi
Family: Oleaceae
Common name: Primrose Jasmine
- Long, arching stems
- Bright lemon-yellow flowers
- Dark green foliage
- Opposite, compound leaves composed of three elliptic leaflets
Syringa spp.
Family: Oleaceae
Common name: Lilac
-A large shrub or small tree with smooth, gray bark
-Simple, opposite leaves with entire margins
-Big, conical clusters of aromatic flowers at branch tips
-Individual flowers that are tubular, flaring into four lobes
(The flowers are usually light purple, but pink and white cultivars do exist.)
Ceanothus griseus horizontalis
Family: Rhamnaceae
Common name: Carmel Creeper
- A widely spreading low shrub
- Glossy, bright green foliage
- Egg-shaped leaves with three main leaf veins
- Light blue flowers in one-inch clusters