La Vida Retirada Flashcards
avaricia, codicia
la vida monastica
the monastic life
apoyar a, mantener a
to support
no está interesada en esta propuesta
she wasn’t interested in this proposal
dejar a alguien
to leave someone
él pidio a su amiga (el jefe de la policia) arrestar a Cacas
he asked his friend (the police chief) to arrest Cacas
él está desconsolado
he is heartbroken
el coche es destrozado
the car is ruined (wrecked)
para tener otra perspectiva
to take [have] another perspective
au causa de eso
for that reason
un vecindario
a neighborhood
fueron cuidadosos
they were careful
ha aumentado
está aumentando
to increase
it has increased
(it) is increasing
deseo ver a mis amigas
I want to see my friends
el cumpleaños
para entregar
to turn in, to deliver