La La Land And Captain Fantastic Flashcards
How should a “how far” question be structured?
Explore the statement, look at pros and cons, conclude with your decision, conclusion must be detailed.
How should a “visual elements and sound” question be answered?
Focus on mis en scene, cinematography, editing and performance for visual elements. You also have to mention sound.
Describe the visual and sound elements of the opening sequence of captain fantastic.
•Establishing shot of forest-beauty, rich green colour palette, sunshine.
•sustainability, shots of food being grown, the deer being killed, signs with names and jobs Rota
•cosy-recognisable household items=family photos, sink
•non diegetic soundtrack
Makes this lifestyle seem very appealing to the audience
Describe the visual elements and sound during the La La land sequence that reveals the success of the two protagonists at the end.
•Close ups of expensive shoes, chauffeured car, designer dress-shows wealth and success.
•long shot of family scene with husband and daughter
•nicely decorated interior of Mia’s home, white colour palette symbolising the purity of her dream
•mirrors earlier coffee shop scene, representing the achievement of her dream
•jazz playing in background is a reminder of Seb
Sacrifice of relationship, close up of Seb’s sign.
How does the director align the audience with Mia as a character?
•She is the first character introduced to the audience in the film
•the audience will empathise with her as they both share a dream of their own
How does the auteur influence the identification between Mia and the audience?
•rejection at the audition scene/audience will be able to sympathise and empathise with the rejection/frustration she feels
How does the auteur align the audience with the character Ben?
He wants the best for his family
Settings-the camp, the bus
Response to wife dying/dream sequence where he speaks to his wife.