L_1 Flashcards
Hypersonic flight, usual definition
Are real gas effects important for hypersonic flight?
Thermally perfect gas equation
calorically perfect gas meaning
constant specific heats cp and cv
Can a gas be thermally perfect but calorically imperfect?
Air in many aerothermodynamic problems is treated as thermally perfect but calorically imperfect
“Real gas” effects in aerothermodynamics are usually …..
high temperature real-gas effects
Classical real gas
van der Waals gas
molecular spacing comparable to range of intermolecular forces (e.g. low temperatures and high pressures)
real gas factor Z definition
virial coefficients equation
air real gas factor maximum value above room temperature for 100 atm
about 1.04
specific heat ratio of air for all pressures and temperature of 1500 K
approximate specific heat ratio of air for 100 atm and room temperature
about 1.30
about 1.55
For a hypersonic free stream, are these parameters small or large?
van der Waals effects
large velocity
small pressure
small density
small temperature
small van der Waals effects (due to small temperatures and small pressures/density)
(neglect van der Waals effects in hypersonic flight)
For a hypersonic stagnation area, are these parameters large or small?
van der Walls effects
small velocity
large pressure
large density
large temperature
small van der Waals effects (due to large temperatures and large pressures/density)
(neglect van der Waals effects in hypersonic flight)
Neglect van der Waals effects in ground test facilities?
Not always, due to high reservoir pressures/enthalpy
Internal energy of a molecule
characteristic rotational temperatures of N2, O2, and NO
Rotational energy is fully present at very low temperatures.
For lower hypersonic flight speeds, how is eelectronic treated?
eelectronic is treated as unchanging (neglected)
high temperature real gas effects of interest
vibrational excitation