L9 - One-Way ANOVA Assumptions and Designs, Error Rate Control Flashcards
What do the Brown-Forsyth and Welch tests do?
Brown-Forsyth and Welch tests are used when homogenity of variances is not met in a one-way between-subjects ANOVA.
They adjust the observed F value and degrees of freedom to make the actual false rejection rate closer to the nominal rate set by alpha.
What are three statistical assumptions for one-way between subjects ANOVA
- homogeneity of variances
- independent observation
- balanced design
What should be done if there is a discrepancy between inferences from Brown-Forsyth and Welch tests?
If there is a discrepancy between inferences using F* and W, when sample size differs AND variances are heterogenous, we should not reject the omnibus null hypothesis, if it is being used.
What happens if there is a violation of homogeneity of variances, but sample sizes are the same?
The homogeneity of group variances assumption operates in a very similar way to that in the independent two-group design – if the sample size of each group is the same, or are almost the same, then inferences for both the omnibus test and planned comparisons are robust to mild-to-moderate violation of this assumption.
If there is evidence that there is a violation of homogeneity of variance, what will the outcome be for the one-way design if it is a) balanced and b) unbalanced?
➢ Balanced: The Fcontrast/tcontrast tests for planned comparisons will generally still be robust when using MSwithin.
➢ Unbalanced: The use of MSwithin in testing planned comparisons will not be robust. –> need to use ROBUST TEST STATISTICS, using separate variances for the standard errors in planned comparison.
What is an important assumption for within-subjects ANOVA using repeated measures?
the INTERVAL between TWO ADJACENT MEASUREMENTS must be the same for all people
What is the SS within subjects further decomposed into?
SS within subjects = SS between occasions + SS individual x occasion interaction
occasion = variable/time point measurements
What is the df for SS individual x occasion interaction?
What is the df for SS occasions?
What is the df for SS within ?
What is the df for SS between?
How do we calculate the observed F statistic in within subjects ANOVA?
F = MS occ / MS error
What are the two options for testing a null hypothesis using within-subjects ANOVA?
➢ The multivariate test – which does not assume sphericity of the covariance matrix among the dependent measures (this will not be approached in this subject); or
➢ The univariate test – which does assume sphericity.
What kind of within subjects ANOVA does not assume sphericity?
Multivariate test
What is sphericity?
Recall that the two important features in the dependent samples t test were:
➢ The use of difference scores between the set of paired measurements of each participant; and
➢ The strength of the correlation between the two sets of scores for reducing the size of the standard error.
The assumption of sphericity requires at a population level that:
➢ The variance of all difference scores between any two levels are the same; and
➢ The covariance between all sets of differences scores to also be the same.
A sufficient (but not necessary) condition for sphericity to hold is that the covariance matrix of the observed scores on all levels of the factor to show compound symmetry.