L9. Nerves and Vessels of the Abdomen Flashcards
Where does anterior supply of the blood to the abdomen come from? Describe the path of this vessel
Abdominal aorta
It begins at the midline at T12/L1 (where it crosses the diaphragm) and ends anterior to L4 by dividing into a right and left common ileac artery (external for lower limb and internal for pelvis)
Describe the major classes of branches coming off the abdominal aorta (3) and generally what they supply
There are three unpaired sets of branches as it descends: supply gastrointestinal viscera and the derivatives [shown in green]
Three paired branches coming of the lateral edges of the abdominal aorta for the paired structures: kidneys, adrenals, and the gonads (ovaries and testes - because they develop in the lumbar region and descend)
A series of paired posterior branches which supply the walls of the abdominal cavity (diaphragm and lumbar vessels: phrenic and lumbar)
What are the three major layers of the primitive gut tube
Foregut, Midgut and Proximal gut
What are the three unpaired anterior branches off the abdominal aorta that supply the abdominal contents?
- Celiac trunk
- Superior Mesenteric Artery: SMA and
- Inferior Mesenteric Artery: IMA
What is the relationship between the three abdominal layers of the primitive gut tube and the unpaired anterior branches
Celiac trunk supplies the foregut
Superior mesenteric artery supplies the midgut
Inferior mesentery artery supplies the proximal gut tube
What does the foregut tube give rise to?
Makes up the solid viscera from the gut tube: liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, plus the first part of the GIT abdominal oesphagus, stomach and duodenum down to the major duodenal papilla
What does the midgut tube give rise to?
Rest of duodenum, Jejunum and ilium, cecum and ascending colon, transverse colon (just proximal to the splenic flexure
What does the proximal gut tube rise to?
Everything beyond that point (rest of transverse colon) of the splenic flexure, descending, sigmoid, rectum and first part of the anal canal
What is the first branch off the front of the aorta? Describe it and where it comes off
Celiac Trunk is the first branch off the front of the aorta. It is short wide trunk before breaks down into terminal branches. Usually arises at the superior border of the pancreas (T12) and immediately breaks into 3 branches
What are the three branches of the celiac trunk?
Left gastric Artery
Splenic Artery
Common Hepatic Artery
Describe the course of the left gastric artery and what it supplies
It arches upwards and to the left to lesser curvature of the stomach giving supply into the stomach. It gives oesophageal branches and then turns and runs along the lesser curvature
Describe the course of the splenic artery and what it supplies
It runs along the superior border of the pancreas towards the hilum of the spleen (very torturous course with lots of twists & turns). It also supplies the major part of the body and tail of the pancreas as it runs with it. As it also runs behind the stomach it sends short gastric vessels to the fundus of the stomach and gives the LEFT GASTRO-EPIPLOIC ARTERY which runs along the greater curvature of the stomach.
Describe the course of the common hepatic artery and what it supplies
It turns right to the free edge of the lesser omentum where gives rise to PROPER HEPATIC ARTERY which ascends in the free edge of the omentum to the porta hepatis.
Typically the CYSTIC ARTERY branches off the right hepatic artery (but variability in where it arises occurs) to supply the gall bladder.
It also gives off a branch called the GASTRODUODENAL ARTERY, which turns down and runs behind the first part of the duodenum. It gives rise to the right gastroepiploic running along the greater curvature and meets the left gastroepiploic from the spleen.
The gastroduodenal artery also gives off the SUPERIOR PANCREATICODUODENAL ARTERY (top half of duodenum and head of pancreas associated with it). The RIGHT GASTRIC ARTERY comes off the proper hepatic artery as it has already turned up in the free edge of the lesser omentum.
When and how does the Superior Mesenteric Artery Arise?
Comes of front of the abdominal aortic artery under the celiac trunk about the level of L1
The artery that supplies the midgut structures
What is the first branch of the SMA? What is its course and what does it supply?
The INFERIOR PANCREATICODUODENAL ARTERY, which is given off straight away and goes up to supply the inferior part of the head of the pancreas and distal part of the duodenum