L9 - Motivation Flashcards
What is motivation?
State or condition that serves to engage the leaner, arouse behaviour and give it direction or persistence.
Can increase vigour (speed/amount) or can motivate you to learn through reward.
Praise from a coach would be considered as intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?
What is intrinsic motivation?
- Internal drives that direct our behaviour .
- enjoyment of the behaviour & satisfaction of performing
What is extrinsic motivation?
- feelings coming from externally derived reward
- tangible rewards such as prizes, trophies, awards, money etc, as well as intangible rewards such as praise and recognition from others.
What is the argued relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic reward?
Arguments in the literature that providing excessive extrinsic reward can decrease the amount of intrinsic reward that can influence behaviour. I.e. why would participants feel motivated by high satisfaction/enjoyment alone, when they were being rewarded with monetary rewards previously?
What is increased vigour?
Movements are performed with greater speed/force or more generally performed more.
What is increased vigour related to (mechanism)?
Related to tonic dopamine - higher levels of resting dopamine make you more sensitive to reward and less sensitive to costs (such as effort and energy expenditure)
Not learning dependent - ON/OFF effect.
What is reinforcement based learning?
Actions are selected with increased or decreased frequency based on reward or punishment.
What is reinforcement based learning related to (mechanism)?
Related to phasic dopamine, when you get a burst of dopamine after reward. Rewarding movement that precedes it is more likely to be repeated as a result.
Unrewarded movements result in a dip in dopamine, making preceding movements less likely to be repeated.
What is tonic dopamine release?
Dopamine is released independently of neuron activity. Low level, constant activity and as such often referred to as resting levels of dopamine.
What is phasic dopamine release?
Large amount of dopamine released in spikes as a result of neuron activity.
What is the relationship between tonic and phasic dopamine release?
Larger or more frequent bursts of phasic dopamine will lead to higher levels of tonic/resting dopamine release.
(Mostly independent apart from this relationship)
When PD patients have high levels of dopamine loss, and are therefore treated with levodopa, how is their tonic and/or phasic firing affected by the levodopa?
Levodopa medication will restore tonic dopamine firing, increasing resting levels, by increasing the amount of overall dopamine in the system. However, phasic firing will be unaffected.
What is the speed-accuracy trade off?
The faster you go, the less accurate you will be.
According to research, what does reward seem to do, at least in the context of saccadic eye movements?
Reward seems to break the speed-accuracy trade off, with greater speed, and lower reaction times leading also to higher levels of accuracy.