L8 Flashcards
Why do we need long range transmission?
- For wireless transmission over large areas, there are two options: cellular or low power wide area network LPWAN
- Cellular is expensive, power-hungry
- Cellular network covering is only 15%
draw figure of wireless technologies (L8 4)
draw schematic of LPWAN family members (L8 5)
benefits of LPWAN
- Long battery life
- Massive IoT
- Low-cost for end devices
- Easy deployment
- extended coverage
Examples of massive IoT services by LPWAN
- smart building
- agriculture monitoring, livestock tracking
- industrial, process monitoring and optimization
Estructure of LoRaWAN protocol stack
- Application layer: Applications
- Mac layer: LoRa MAC, MAC options
- Physical layer: class A, class B, class C, LoRa modulation, regional ISM band
Intended usage of LoRaWAN end-device classes
- class A: battery powered sensors
- class B: battery powered actuators
- class C: mains powered actuators
Diagram of LoRaWAN classes against energy efficiency and latency (L8 10)
Frequency at which LoRa channels operate
LoRa frame structure (L8 14)
- Preamble: needed to synchronize receiver with transmitter
- Header: basic information
- Payload: information/data
- CRC: error detection
draw a LoRaWAN architecture (L8 16)
Tasks of LoRa network server (traffic handling)
- To process all traffic received from gateways
- Manages radio configuration
- Message management: authentication, authorization, accounting
- Location determination (DTOA)
- manages ACKs
- manages downlink messages including multicast
Properties of LoRa modulation
- version of Chirp Spread Spectrum (bandwidth 125kHz)
- high sensitivity end nodes
- Long range communication
- strong indoor penetration
- uses entire bandwidth, making it robust to channel noise
- resistant to doppler effect, multi-path, signal weakening
what is spread spectrum modulation?
- technique used to reduce signal interference
- transmitted signal has a wider bandwidth than information signal
Draw diagram of LoRa CSS modulation (L8 20)
represent the chirp waveform with an schematic (L8 21)
draw schematic of chirp frequency spreading factors (L8 26)
Draw curve of data rate vs SF (spreading factor) (L8 29)
SF assignment mechanisms
- PHY-based
- Random assignment
- Fixed assignment
- Fairness-based
- Distance-based
How localization works in LoRA?
- Uses differential time of arrival (DTOA)
- Triangulation-based location determination
- Outdoor accuracy<50M
- Indoor accuracy<75M
Challenges of LoRaWAN
- Energy consumption
- Communication range
- Multiple access
- Error correction
- Security