L6: the endocrine pancreas Flashcards
What are normal glucose levels?
4.5-5.5 mmoles/L in the blood
Sources of glucose
Can be created by gluconeogenesis in particularly the liver (and sometimes the kidneys)
What do the cells use as energy?
Glucose is a major nutrient used as an energy source by all cells. Most cells can also utilise fatty acids and may do so in preference. But the brain can only use glucose and contains little store.
What is the brain susceptible to?
Brain is susceptible to hypoglycaemia resulting in brain damage, due to neurones not firing.
Structure of the pancreas
Min 5
- exocrine pancreas - ducts that lead to acini
- endocrine pancreas - islet of langerhans - beta cells produce insulin and alpha cells produce glucagon
What does insulin do in the body?
Flow chart at min 6
- in response to insulin, glucose will enter muscle cells, some will be used for energy and the rest will be stored as glycogen. Also allows fatty acids to be converted into energy in skeletal muscle cells.
- in response to insulin, glucose will move into the liver and be stored as glycogen. Will also be used as energy.
- in the presence of insulin, glucose will also be taken up into fat cells to be converted into fatty acids which can be used for energy, or the fatty acids can be converted to fat and stored for later energy use.
What happens if there is no insulin present but energy is needed?
The fats will be converted back into fatty acids, which will go back into the blood, travel to the liver and the muscle, where they will be used for energy. The liver will also convert the fatty acids to ketones (acidic). So overtime in the absence of insulin, fat and muscle will be broken down.
Without insulin the body will also try and synthesis glucose and release it into the body to compensate for lack of feeding. Can be an issue if there is no glucose for a long period of time.
Fate of glucose in the feeding/absorptive state
- 5% stored as glycogen (glycogenesis - liver and muscle)
- 30-40% converted into fat (adipose tissue and liver)
- 50% metabolised (energy)
Fate of glucose in the fasting/post-absorptive state.
- glycogen broken down (glycogenolysis)
- glucose produced from amino acids and glycerol (gluconeogenesis)
- glucose spared by fat breakdown and fatty acid release as energy source in non-neural tissues.
Properties of insulin
Water soluble:
- carried dissolved in plasma - no special transport proteins
- interacts with cell surface receptors on target cells
How is insulin release controlled?
- basal secretion and short pulses
- size of pulse is proportional to rate of rise of plasma glucose
- stimulated by vagal stimulation
- inhibited by sympathetic stimulation
Trace of glucose levels
To keep the blood glucose in a narrow range throughout the day, there is a low steady secretion of insulin overnight, fasting and between meals with spikes of insulin at mealtimes.
Mechanism of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion
In a pancreatic beta cell: 16:45
- Glucose enters pancreatic beta cell through the GLUT2 transporter by diffusion
- Inside the cell glucose is converted to glucose-6-phosphate and broken down to yield ATP
- ATP causing ATP-sensitive K+ channels to close causing depolarisation that causes voltage sensitive Ca2+ channels to open
- Increased cellular Ca2+ activated calcium - calmodulin dependent kinases, stimulating exocytosis of insulin-containing granules
- Insulin is release to the blood
Actions of insulin (anabolic)
Acts on muscle, adipose tissue and liver and stimulates glucose uptake and subsequent utilisation:
- increases glycogen synthesis (liver and muscle)
- increases fat synthesis (liver and fat)
- increases amino acid transport into cells and protein synthesis
Insulin-mediated glucose uptake
On muscle and liver cells there are insulin receptors. Once stimulated by the insulin, it tells the cells to insert more GLUT4 channels into the cell membrane. Glucose will then be uptake by those tissues, and used to store glycogen, or used as energy. Stimulates other enzymes to convert glucose into glycogen.
When is glucagon released?
Release is stimulated by low plasma glucose levels (starvation) and sympathetic activity by adrenaline.
When is glucagon inhibited?
Glucagon release is inhibited by high plasma glucose and fatty acids.
Actions of glucagon in the liver (catabolic)
- increases glycogenolysis
- decreases glycogenesis
- increases gluconeogenesis
- increases fat breakdown (fatty acids as energy and release glycerol which can be converted to glucose by the liver)
Actions of glucagon in adipose tissue (catabolic)
- increases fat breakdown (fatty acids as energy and release glycerol which can be converted to glucose by the liver)
- increases fatty acid release
Effect of decreased insulin on the muscles
Muscles will break down the actin and myosin in muscles releasing amino acids, which can be used to synthesis glucose from the liver.
Apart from glucagon and insulin, what other hormones are involved in glucose metabolism?
In response to hypoglycaemia - to raise plasma glucose levels:
- Adrenaline in response to stress
- Glucocorticoids (cortisol)
- Growth hormone
Cortisol and GH block the GLUT4 receptor. So the glucose will remain in the blood and not enter muscle cells.
What is diabetes mellitus?
a metabolic disease characterised by chronic hyperglycaemia
Differences between type I and type II diabetes
Type I: 10-20% of diabetics. Onset usually in childhood. Not linked to obesity. Linked to ketosis. Controlled by insulin injections, diet and exercise.
Type II: 80-90% of diabetics. Onset usually in adulthood. Linked to obesity. Not linked to ketosis. Controlled by diet, weight loss, exercise, injections.
What is type I diabetes?
No or very little insulin being secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas. Insulin dysfunction. Pancreatic beta islet destruction leading to absolute insulin deficiency. Most commonly autoimmune and rarely idiopathic.
What is type II diabetes?
Normal insulin levels but the body’s cells cannot respond to it - they are insulin resistant. Over time the sensitivity of the insulin receptors is lost. Varying degrees of insulin resistance and insulin deficiency.
What endocrinopathies can lead to diabetes mellitus?
Acromegaly (a growth hormone), Cushing’s syndrome, pheochromocytoma
What happens in type 1 diabetics?
No insulin signal is received so glucose stays in the blood. If there is no insulin signal for a long period of time, the liver will respond to the lack of insulin by breaking down glycogen stores (because it thinks the body is not eating), so forms more glucose. Once it has wasted its glycogen stores, from fats the liver will create energy. These will break down into fatty acids and over time these will break down into ketone bodies, which will go into the blood, making it acidic. This leads to coma and death.
How can you tell if someone has ketone bodies in the blood?
They have a distinctive sweet/alcohol smell.
What happens in type II diabetics?
- genetic causes are unknown
- patients eat too much or do not exercise enough etc.
- they become overweight and need extra insulin as the body becomes ‘resistant’
- islet cells will wear out early so they eventually cannot make enough insulin, or the receptors stop responding to it
- fatty deposits in the pancreas can cause even more damage
- so the body results in either needing more insulin but being unable to produce it or being unable to respond to it.
What does insulin deficiency and/or insulin resistance lead to in the muscle?
In the muscle:
- uptake of glucose decreases
- glycogenesis decreases
- uptake of amino acids and protein synthesis decreases (proteolysis increases) so will lose muscle mass
What does insulin deficiency and/or insulin resistance lead to in the adipose tissue?
In the adipose tissue:
- uptake of glucose decreases
- lipogenesis and esterification decreases
- increased lipolysis
What does insulin deficiency and/or insulin resistance lead to in the liver?
In the liver:
- glycogenesis and glycolysis will decrease
- gluconeogenesis will increase
- gluconeogenesis from muscle amino acids will increase
- ketogenesis from adipose tissue fatty acids will increase
Consequences of diabetes on the body
Muscle wasting and weight loss, hyperglycaemia, ketosis, osmotic diuresis in the kidney pulling water across into the urine so dehydration occurs, urine with glucose
What happens to glucagon in diabetes?
Excess glucagon will be produced due to the lack of insulin.
Classic symptoms of diabetes - acute metabolic
Polyphagia - frequently hungry
Polyuria - frequently urinating
Polydipsia - frequently thirsty
Other symptoms of diabetes mellitus
Blurred vision (glucose uptake in the eyeball), fatigue, weight loss, poor wound healing (catabolic signals not anabolic), dry mouth, dry or itchy skin, impotence (male); recurrent infections such as vaginal yeast infections, groin rash or external ear infections
Long term microvascular complications of untreated diabetes
- diabetic retinopathy
- diabetic nephropathy
- diabetic neuropathy (PNS) (ulceration, gangrene - amputation)
Long term macrovascular complications of untreated diabetes
- coronary heart disease
- peripheral vascular disease
- cerebral vascular disease
How does diabetes manifest in the mouth?
Uncontrolled diabetes leads to:
- higher risk of bacterial infections (due to high saliva glucose levels which favour bacterial infection)
- dry mouth (over urinating)
- severe periodontal disease
- slow healing after treatment
- oral fungal infections
How is diabetes diagnosed?
Oral glucose tolerance test (GTT)
- fasting overnight followed by an oral dose of 75g of glucose. Fasting levels should be 3.5-5.5mmol, post dose should be 7-9mmol. Should return to fasting level by 2hours. Diabetics will struggle to lower this level.
HbA1c levels (Hb in RBCs) - in known diabetics. Indicates long-term diabetes control. Measure of glycohemoglobin. Elevated glycohemoglobin levels means long-term glucose control has not been very good. Target <48mmol/L.
Treatments for diabetes
- limit uptake of carbohydrates in the stomach
- drugs like metformin that impact the liver by lowering its glucose formation
- drugs to lower fatty acid breakdown
- sulfonylureas impair insulin secretion by trying to increase it
- metformin will try to increase skeletal muscle uptake of glucose by putting in more GLUT transporters
What happens if insulin excess is given to diabetes?
- hypoglycaemia - low blood glucose <3.0mM
- nervous system is rapidly affected
- results in confusion, weakness, dizziness and convulsions
- triggers sympathetic activity
- sympathetic signs lost in autonomic neuropathy with no warning
- finally coma and death