L6 Intro to bact Flashcards
LO2: comp and contr key props bact and virs as distinct from euk.
-euk eg yeast, protozoan- mm/um.
prok smaller um, no nuc mem or mem organelles, have D and RNA, one chrom, no introns, coupled trans/l, v labile mRNA, 70S ribos, peptidoglycan wall. vir oblig intracell have D or RNA, nm.
LO3: sig of gram and acid fast stain for classif and detec bact.
-gram- gram pos peptidoglycan prevs extrac so BLUE
gram neg thin peptidog and outer mem PINK.
pos crystal violet binds neg cell compons. iodine complexes with it. acetone/methanol extract through gram neg only. red stain gram neg.
-acid fast- eg auramine fluor, Zeihl Neelson bright field. for mycobact- no peptidog. mycob wall complex- PM, peptidog, arabinogalac, lip rich mycolic ac, gl’s.
smears for acid fast bacilli rap but insensit.
gram pos cocci.
- staph aureus- skin infec, pneum, food pois, TSS, bacteraemia.
- strep pyogenes- pharyngitis, scarlet fever, impetigo, cellulitis, can be invas.
- Group B strep- sepsis and mening esp neonate. pneum.
- strep pneumoniae- pneum, poss invas.
gram neg cocci.
- neiss mening- mening, sepsis.
- neiss gonorrhoeae.
gram pos bacilli.
- clostrid perfringens- food pois, bacteraemia, necrois, gas gang, cholecystitis.
- C diff- colitis.
gram neg bacilli.
- e coli- food pois, cholecyst, bacteraemia, UTI, cholangitis, neon mining, pneum.
- salmonella- food pois, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fev.
- shigella- shigellosis, dysentery.
LO1: briefly answer:
- what is infec- est of an org on/in host assoc with its multip and dam to/dysfunc of host specif rel to that org or its prods.
- what causes infec- pathogenic microbes (kochs postulates)- vir/prion/bact(archaea)/protoz/ fungi/helminths/arthropods infestat. and mechs of pathogenesis.
- why partic indivs get partic infec- encount dose and route. virul vs host resis. innate and adap imm.
- what infls outcome of infec- encount dose and route, virul vs resis, inn and adap imm, speed of diag and tx.