L6: Connective tissue proper types Flashcards
What are the types of connective tissue proper?
1- Loose (areolar =ordinary) CT.
2- Adipose C.T.
3- Yellow elastic C.T
4- Reticular C.T
5- White fibrous C.T.
6- Mucoid C.T.
What are the characters of loose connective tissue?
ο It binds tissues and organs together.
ο It carries blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves.
ο Called areolar as the matrix shows false cavities called areolae.
ο Called ordinary as it is widely distributed all over the body; found around blood vessels, in the submucosa of the digestive organs and in the serous membranes e.g. peritoneum.
What is the structure of loose connective tissue?
- Fibers: collagenous and elastic fibers.
- All types of cells specially fibroblasts, macrophages and fat cells.
- The matrix is rich in hyaluronic acid.
What are the functions of loose connective tissue?
- Carries blood vessels, lymphatics & nerves.
- Binds tissues & organs together.
- Swells during inflammation (edema)
What is the color of white adipose connective tissue?
White due to natural color of fat.
What are the sites of white adipose connective tissue?
- The majority of adipose C.T. in adults e.g. buccal pad of fat, subcutaneous tissue and perinephric fat.
- In β more in the back of neck & upper shoulder.
- In β more in hip region & upper thigh and breast region.
What is the structure of white adipose connective tissue?
- Lobules of White adipocytes separated by loose C.T.
- with less capillary supply than the brown type.
What are the functions of white adipose connective tissue?
- Energy depot (Storage of fat).
- Heat insulation.
- Gives contour to the body.
- Support organs e.g. kidney.
- Cushions during seating.
What is the color of brown adipose connective tissue?
Brown due to:
- cytochromes in its much mitochondria
- Blood color in its rich capillary supply.
What are the sites of brown adipose connective tissue?
- In newborn infants.
- In adults, present in:
1. Mediastinum.
2. Between the 2 scapulae.
What is the structure of brown adipose connective tissue?
- Lobules of Brown adipocytes separated by loose C.T.
- with more capillary supply than the white type.
What are the functions of brown adipose connective tissue?
- Rapid heat production in newborn infants on exposure to cold.
- Energy production in hibernating animals.
What are the sites of yellow elastic connective tissue?
- arteries
- Tracheo-bronchial tree and between lung alveoli.
- Ligaments:
- Ligamentum flavum between vertebrae.
- Ligamentum nuchae in the back of the neck.
- Suspensory ligament of the penis.
What is the structure of yellow elastic Connective tissue?
- Regular elastic fibers.
- Fibroblasts or fibrocytes between the fibers.
What is the staining of yellow elastic connective tissue?
- Hx & E β Acidophilic
- Van Giesonβs stain β yellow
- Ver-Hoff Μs stainβ black
What are the sites of reticular connective tissue?
- Stroma of parenchymatous organs e.g. liver, spleen and lymph nodes.
- Reticular lamina of the basement membranes
What is the structure of reticular connective tissue?
Formed of reticular cells and fibers that form a network.
what is the staining of reticular connective tissue?
Silver stainβ brown to black
What are the sites of regular type of white fibrous connective tissue?
tendons and cornea of the eye.
What is the structure of the regular type of white fibrous connective tissue?
- Parallel collagenous bundles.
- Fibroblasts (tendon cells, corneal corpuscles): the cells have thin nuclei and the cytoplasm is not apparent.
what are the sites of the irregular type of white fibrous connective tissue?
sclera of the eye, capsule of organs and outer fibrous layer of the periosteum & perichondrium.
What is the structure of the irregular type of white fibrous connective tissue?
- Irregular collagenous bundles.
- Fibroblasts or fibrocytes between the bundles.
What are the stains used for white fibrous connective tissue?
βBoth regular and irregularβ
Hx & E β Acidophilic
Van Giesonβs stain β red
Mallory trichrome stainβ blue
What are the sites of mucoid connective tissue?
- Whartonβs jelly of the umbilical cord.
- Vitreous body of the eye.
- Pulp of the teeth.
What is the structure of mucoid connective tissue?
- The matrix is soft as it is rich in mucin and hyaluronic acid.
- UMCs or young fibroblasts (mucinous cells) with long processes which intercommunicate with those of the neighboring cells.
What are the functions of connective tissues?