L6 Cardiac Conduction Flashcards
structure-function relationship of diff cardiac cell types
SA/AV node:
small, few gap junctions, slow/weak conduction, few myofibrils, PACEMAKER
Atrial/ventricular muscle:
medium size, LOTS of gap junctions, strong contraction and rapid conduction.
His bundle/Purkinje system:
Large, LOTS of gap junctions, VERY RAPID CONDUCTION, weak contraction
Intercalated disc & Gap junctions
Intercalated disc - specialized region where sarcomeres attach. Connection between cardiac cells.
Fascia adherens - connects actin to cell wall
Macula adherens - connects cells together (like tight junction)
Gap Junctions - allow current to pass thru at low internal resistance
Space Constant and AP upstroke can determine electrical conduction…
by making it faster if SConstant is long and AP upstroke is rapid.
RMP and Na channel availability
When the RMP becomes more positive, there are fewer Na channels available. This is crucial because when the RMP changes, so does the ability to make APs
See the Na+ inactivation curve
PR & QRS interval determine conduction by…
PR interval should be 120-200 msec. If it’s longer, it means the conduction is slowed in the AV node.
QRS should be 70-100 msec. If it’s longer, it means the rapid conduction through the his/purkinje system is blocked/messed up and not all cells are contracting in synchrony
Ach and Parasympathetic nerve activity
-Ach- acts via muscarinic receptors (metabotropic) and increases K permeability so hyperpolarizes the cell.
It also inhibits adenylyl cyclase therefore no cAMP and no slow inward Ca current.
It also directly inhibits atrial muscle, SA and AV node
NE and Sympathetic nerve activity
NE acts on all areas of the heart using B1 adrenergic receptors.
Increases cAMP, therefore increases inward Ca current
Increases atrial and vent muscle contraction and SA/AV node rate
ANS induced changes in the AV conduction and how they manifest on EKG
These changes affect the AV itself, which would decrease or increase the P-R interval. This means that the time in between atrial and ventricular pumping is shortened
1st degree heart block
A block where the PR interval is lengthened (>200 msec)
Means the general AV node conduction is affected because the atria to ventricle connection is off
2nd degree heart block
P wave doesn’t always produce QRS wave.
Atrial beat does not always produce a ventricular beat
3rd degree heart block
P waves and QRS waves do not correlate at all
Complete AV node block. The AV node doesn’t confer beats to the Ventricle.
A latent pacemaker come makes the ventricles beat!
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
Something above the ventricles is causing the heart to beat very fast. Looks like sinus tachycardia (fast HR when exercising) but is caused by a pathological thing, like abnormal SA node ???????????
Wall motion and CO are normal; filling time is shorter
what is an example of the cause of SVT?
Ventricular tachycardia
Impulse from AV node is not conducting through the His-Purkinje system but is going around in a circle.
Less filling time, less CO. Can lead to V-fib!
Atrial fibrillation
pumping action becomes asynchronous and doesn’t work as well.
CO IS NORMAL - this is why a-fib is compatible with life (Atria don’t contribute much to CO
Atrial flutter
Example of a Supraventricular Tachycardia
generally beats are in a regular pattern
could be due to re-entry
Different than A-fib
Ventricular fibrillation
Ventricles have stopped beating synchronously and pumping ceases.
CO DRASTICALLY DECREASED, RAPIDLY FATAL bc blood and oxygen isn’t getting sent to body