L5: Peds Genetics Flashcards
Prader-willi syndrome physical appearance
Almond shaped eyes Triangular mouth Narrow forehead Short stature Depigmentation of skin and eyes
Why are ppl with marfan syndrome predisposed to spontaneous pneumothorax
tall, slender body type
DiGeorge syndrome inheritance
Autosomal dominant
BUT most often occurs randomly
Trisomy 18 appearance
Female Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR): low birth weight low set ears microcephaly small jaw/mouth prominent occipital
Who to screen for fragile X?
any male with intellectual disabilities
Complications from obesity (Prader-willi syndrome)
T2DM Heart disease Stroke Sleep apnea Joints Psychological
Osteogenesis Imperfecta precautions:
avoid lifting, pulling, holding, alcohol, smoking, steroid use
Marfan syndrome inheritance
Autosomal dominant
Patau syndrome appearnce
midline cleft lip and palate sloping forehead scalp defects (cutis aplasia) micro-ophthalmia holoprosencephaly
DiGeorge subtypes
Partial vs complete
Based on thymic hypoplasia and immune function
Blue iris
Fragile X
Activity restriction for marfan syndrome
no strenuous activity
Turner syndrome genetics
45, X Mosaicism: 45, X/46, XX 45, X/46, XY -partial or complete deletion of one X chromosome
DiGeorge triad
- Cardiac abnormalities (wide range)
- Hypoplastic thymus: T cell deficits
- Hypocalcemia
when is aneuploidy screening done
by 20 weeks gestation
Can Osteogenesis Imperfecta be detected prenatally?
Only Severe cases on maternal ultrasound
Cleft palate
DiGeorge syndrome Trisomy 13 (Patau)
Steinberg sign
thumb folded into a closed fist extends from the palm of the hand
Prader-willi syndrome is a ______ dysfunction
Hypothalamic or pituitary dysfunction
-primary central growth hormone deficiency
Turner syndrome GU
Female Streaked gonads (underdeveloped) Premature ovarian failure Primary amenorrhea (but small % can still get pregnant)
Fragile X behavior/IQ
Intellectual impairments Language delay: first words 18-20 months Motor delay: walk at 18-20 months Autism Hyperactivity Anxiety Behavior/tantrums Seizures Poor ability to cope with transitions
Turner syndrome management
Estrogen + cyclic progesterone therapy to stimulate puberty and assist with bone density (+/- growth hormone)
Down syndrome GI
duodenal atresia
chronic constipation
Hirschsprung disease
Ectopia lentis
Marfan syndrome
lens subluxation/dislocation
Prader willi
Fragile X
Trisomy 13
What are turner syndrome patients at higher risk for?
X-linked disorders: Hemophilia A/B
Other trisomy 13 concerns
Kidney defects
Congestive Heart Disease
what exercise can Osteogenesis Imperfecta patients do
low impact: swimming
Other concerns in turner syndrome
Hypothyroidism hearing loss liver function abnormalities strabismus ADHD emotional and social difficulties
If prader-willi syndrome isn’t a paternal deletion, what is it?
maternal disomy: 2 copies inherited from mother
-milder, more autistic/higher IQ
due to underdeveloped parathyroid
Trisomy 18 MSK
overlapping digits/clenched hands
rocker bottom foot deformity
short sternum
Walker-murdoch sign
thumb and fifth finger of the hand overlap when grasping the opposite wrist
Opalescent teeth
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Klinefelter syndrome management
Testosterone replacement
50% may be able to father a child with assistive technnology
Fragile X meds
apparently they have GERD even though she never mentioned it?
-treat GERD, feeding therapy
Pamidronate adverse effects
osteonecrosis of the jaw
Progressive hearing loss
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Can turner syndrome patients conceive?
A small percentage can naturally.
In vitro fertilization with egg donation
→ increased risk of aortic dissection during pregnancy
Type II Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Most severe: prenatal lethal
Down syndrome pulmonary
pulmonary hypertension
intermittent hypoxia
obstructive sleep apnea
recurrent pneumonia
Osteogenesis Imperfecta inheritance
Autosomal dominant
“autosomal recessive subtypes”
Type III-IX Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Who can’t receive live vaccines
DiGeorge Syndrome (immunocompromised)
Turner syndrome appearance
short low hairline webbed neck broad chest with wide space nipples (shield chest) pigmented nevi cubitus valgus (wide carrying angle)
Prader-willi management
Replace HGH and testosterone/estrogen
Healthy diet/exercise, therapy, group home
How often do patients with complete DiGeorge syndrome have chromosomal deletion?
deletion of entire chromosome rather than just 22q11.2?
Seen on imaging of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
multiple fractures at various stages of healing
can be mistaken for child abuse
codfish bones
compression fractures: bi-concave osteopenia
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Down syndrome cardiac
1/2 have CHD Ventricular septal defect atrioventricular septal defect patent ductus arteriosus tetralogy of fallot atrial septal defect
Biggest marfan syndrome complication
Aortic rot dilation/dissection
Mitral valve prolapse
wormian bones
suture bones
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Klinefelter syndrome IQ/behavior
Mild language delay
learning disabilities
Down syndrome appearance
epicanthic folds flat nasal bridge folded low set ears brachycephaly brushfield spots (speckled iris) open mouth protruding furrowed tongue short neck with excessive skin narrow palate upslanting palpebral fissures
How to treat DiGeorge syndrome
Thymic transplant
Hematopoietic cell transplant
Prechordal mesoderm defect
trisomy 13
Pamidronate is a
bisphonsphonate: slows down bone reabsorption
for Osteogenesis Imperfecta
How to detect prader-willi genes?
molecular genetic test: methylation analysis
Prader-willi syndrome
- sterility
- increased osteoporosis
MSK of trisomy 13
hypotonia clinodactyly of fingers/toes polydactyly vertical talus (rocker bottom) Severe intellectual disability
Klinefelter Syndrome genetics
47 XXY
maternal or paternal origin
Female down’s patients should
have OB/GYN consult prior to menarche bc they are fertile
Fragile X inheritance
X-linked recessive (males)
90% new mutations
Infant presentation of turner syndrome
lymphedema in dorsum of hands and feet, CHD
the most common inherited intellectual disability
Fragile X
Thymus hypoplasia
causes immunodeficiency: recurrent infections and inflammatory diseases
DiGeorge syndrome gene
Chromosome 22 deletion (22q11.2)
Labs of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
+/- elevated vitamin D, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase
hypercalcemia common: related to severity
Klinefelter Syndrome appearance
Tall stature narrow shoulders long legs microorchidism gynecomastia PRESENTS POSTPUBERTAL
Trisomy 13 management
most die in utero and before 6 months
Why doesn’t fragile X present as strongly/often in females?
Lyon hypothesis of x-inactivation
Initial evaluation of DiGeorge syndrome
CBC with diff (B and T cells), phosphorus, calcium
Renal ultrasounds
CXR: absent thymic shadow
How can the FBN1 gene mutation be detected? (marfan)
prenatal: CVS or amniocentesis
DNA testing
Most common chromosomal abnormality
Down syndrome
any chromosome number other than 46
Absent thymic shadow
DiGeorge syndrome
tumor seen in turner syndrome: 45, X/46, XY
monitor +/- prophylactic removal of gonads
Trisomy 18 other
Horseshoe kidney
Airway obstruction
Omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernias
CHD: Ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus
Madelung deformity
radius and ulna alignment make a V
Turner syndrome
Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta
most common
Turner syndrome cardiac issues
bicuspid AV
aortic stenosis
Coarctation of the aorta→ aortic dissection risk + htn
Often goes undetected until fertility counseling
Klinefelter syndrome
What’s a big thing when treating fractures in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta?
You don’t always have to do an X-ray to treat them.
Minimize radiation exposure
How to give Pamidronate
IV infusion every 3 months for 4 hours/day x3 days
Mitral valve prolapse
Fragile X
Turner syndrome behavior/IQ
Down syndrome other
thyroid, hematologic, dermatologic, obesity, alzheimer’s, leukemia, seizures
Meds for marfan syndrome
Beta blockers
when to get and MRI for fragile X?
Fragile X appearance
Large ears, long narrow face
Joint laxity, hypotonia, pes planus
Osteogenesis Imperfecta gene mutations affect
Type I collagen
Horseshoe kidney
turner syndrome
trisomy 18
Other marfan syndrome appearance
Increased arm span/height ratio scoliosis arachnodactlyly pectus deformity hindfoot valgus hypermobile joints with laxity
How to diagnosis DiGeorge syndrome?
Decreased CD3+ T cells and clinical findings
“definite, probable, possible”
Trisomy 13
Patau syndrome
Trisomy 18 management
Most die in utero/first year
very few survive to adulthood with severe intellectual disability
Blue slcera
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Osteogenesis Imperfecta aka
Brittle bone disease
How does a prader-willi infant present?
profound hypotonia!!!
feeding difficulties, FFT
Trisomy 18
Edwards syndrome
Prader-willi syndrome inheritance
Spontaneous paternal deletions on chromosome 15
genetic imprinting and uniparental disomy of chromosome 15
“pre-mutations” for fragile X
FXPOI: primary ovarian insufficiency
FXTAS: tremor/ataxia syndrome
Life expectancy without treatment in complete DiGeorge syndrome
<1 year
Labs of klinefelter syndrome
low testosterone
FSH/LH elevated
Down syndrome MSK
short, hypotonia joint laxity: atlantoaxial instability short hands transverse palmar crease (simian) space between 1st and 2nd toes
Routine evaluation for marfan syndrome
HEENT down syndrome
refractive errors
conductive hearing loss with multiple infections
abnormal teeth
DiGeorge physical appearance
low set ears, wide set eyes, small chin/mouth, bulbous nose tip
Palatal difficulties causing speech delays
GU abnormalities
Skeletal abnormalities
Trisomy 21
Down syndrome
Osteogenesis Imperfecta presentation
Excessive/atypical fractures Short stature, bowlegs, limb deformity Scoliosis/kyphosis→ breathing difficulty Basilar skull deformity→ spinal cord concerns Blue sclerae Progressive hearing loss Opalescent teeth Ligament/skin laxity
Down syndrome cognitive impairment
typical delay is twice the average age
autism, ADHD, aggressive disorders
DiGeorge Syndrome IQ/behavior
developmental/intellectual delay
behavioral and psychiatric issues
Fragile X gene
CCG repeated in FMR1 gene
Maternal loss of chromosome 15
Angelman syndrome
Basilar skull deformity
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Marfan syndrome gene
FBN1 (fibrillin)
-connective tissue protein
Prader-will behavior/IQ
developmental, intellectual delay
behavioral problems
food seeking behavior