L5 chat gpt Flashcards
How do you say “There is a book on the table” in Japanese?
ほんは テーブルに あります。 (For inanimate objects, use あります.)
How do you say “There is a cat in the room” in Japanese?
ねこは へやに います。 (For animate objects, use います.)
How do you ask someone to go somewhere with you in a polite form?
いっしょに こうえんに 行きませんか? (Why don’t we go to the park together?)
How do you ask someone if they want to eat with you?
しょくじを たべましょうか? (Shall we eat?)
How do you suggest doing something?
べんきょうしましょう! (Let’s study!)
How do you ask someone how they feel about doing something?
テレビはどうですか? (How about TV?)
How do you say “an expensive restaurant” in Japanese?
たかいレストラン (i-adjective + noun)
How do you say “a quiet town” in Japanese?
しずかなまち (na-adjective + noun)
How do you say “Monday” in Japanese?
げつようび (月曜日)
How do you say “December” in Japanese?
じゅうにがつ (12月)
How do you say “the 5th of the month” in Japanese?
いつか (5日)
How do you say “the 20th of the month” in Japanese?
はつか (20日)
How do you ask for three T-shirts in Japanese?
Tシャツを三まいください。 (Please give me three T-shirts.)
How do you say “two sheets of paper” in Japanese?
かみを二まいください。 (Please give me two sheets of paper.)
How do you say “I ate” in Japanese?
食べました (Past affirmative)
How do you say “I did not eat” in Japanese?
食べませんでした (Past negative)
How do you say “It’s a quiet town” in casual Japanese?
しずかなまちだ。 (Casual)
How do you say “It’s a quiet town” in polite Japanese?
しずかなまちです。 (Polite)
How do you say “I am tired” in casual Japanese?
ねむい。 (Casual)
How do you say “I am tired” in polite Japanese?
ねむいです。 (Polite)
How do you say “It is not cold” (present negative) in Japanese?
How do you say “It was not small” (past negative) in Japanese?
How do you say “It’s not quiet” (present negative) using a na-adjective?
How do you say “It wasn’t beautiful” (past negative) using a na-adjective?
How do you say “I went” (past affirmative) in Japanese?
How do you say “I didn’t go” (past negative) in Japanese?
How do you say “I eat” (present affirmative) in Japanese?
How do you say “I don’t eat” (present negative) in Japanese?
How do you ask “Where is the station?” in Japanese?
えきは どこですか?
How do you ask “What time is it?” in Japanese?
いま なんじですか?
How do you ask “When is your birthday?” in Japanese?
あなたの たんじょうびは いつですか?
How do you say “My birthday is January 5th” in Japanese?
わたしの たんじょうびは いちがつ いつかです。
How do you ask “How about going to a cafe?” in Japanese?
カフェはどうですか? (How about a cafe?)
How do you say “The restaurant was expensive” in Japanese?
レストランは たかかったです。 (Past Affirmative)
How do you say “The restaurant was not expensive” in Japanese?
レストランは たかくなかったです。 (Past Negative)
How do you say “I go to school” in Japanese?
がっこうに いきます。 (Present Affirmative)
How do you say “I do not go to school” in Japanese?
がっこうに いきません。 (Present Negative)
How do you say “I went to school” in Japanese?
がっこうに いきました。 (Past Affirmative)
How do you say “I did not go to school” in Japanese?
がっこうに いきませんでした。 (Past Negative)
How do you say “Shall we go to the park?” in Japanese?
こうえんに いきましょうか? (Shall we go to the park?)
How do you say “The post office is near the station” in Japanese?
ゆうびんきょくは えきの ちかくに あります。 (Post office is near the station.)
How do you ask “Where is the hospital?” in Japanese?
びょういんは どこですか? (Where is the hospital?)
How do you say “The bank is across from the park” in Japanese?
ぎんこうは こうえんの むかいに あります。 (The bank is across from the park.)
How do you say “This is a big university” in Japanese?
これは おおきい 大学です。 (I-adjective + noun)
How do you say “This is a quiet person” in Japanese?
これは しずかな 人です。 (Na-adjective + noun)
How much is this t-shirt?
この Tシャツは いくらですか? (How much is this t-shirt?).
I’ll buy two.
ふたつ かいます。 (I’ll buy two).
This souvenir is expensive.
この おみやげは たかいです。 (This souvenir is expensive).
たかい (expensive)
Affirmative: たかかったです (It was expensive).
Negative: たかくなかったです (It was not expensive).
やすい (cheap)
Affirmative: やすかったです (It was cheap).
Negative: やすくなかったです (It was not cheap).
にぎやか (lively, busy)
Affirmative: にぎやかでした (It was lively).
Negative: にぎやかじゃなかったです (It was not lively).
しずか (quiet)
Affirmative: しずかでした (It was quiet).
Negative: しずかじゃなかったです (It was not quiet).