L5 Flashcards
Where is calcium important
· Exocytosis
• Neurotransmitter secretion
• Hormone secretion
How does hypocalcaemia destabilise neurones
- The reason hypocalcemia causes neuron excitation (contrary to the above logic) is because a decrease in extracellular calcium concentration increases the neuron membrane’s permeability to sodium and allows sodium to easily depolarize the neuron’s membrane and cause an action potential
Physical signs of hypocalcaemia
Trousseau sign of latent tetany (aka carpopedal spasm)
Chvostek’s sign
What is a carpopedal spasm
In a patient with hypocalcemia, carpal spasm may be elicited by occluding the brachial artery.
To perform the maneuver, a blood pressure cuff is placed around the arm and inflated to a pressure greater than the systolic blood pressure and held in place for 3 minutes. If carpal spasm occurs, manifested as flexion at the wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints, extension of the distal interphalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints, and adduction of the thumb and fingers, the sign is said to be positive and the patient likely has hypocalcemia.
How does neuromuscular inability present in hypocalcemia
Chvostek's sign Trousseau's sign Paresthesias Tetany Seizures (focal, petit mal, grand mal) Fatigue Anxiety Muscle cramps Polymyositis Laryngeal spasms Bronchial spasms
Neurological signs and symptoms associated with hypocalcemia
Extrapyramidal signs due to calcification of basal ganglia Calcification of cerebral cortex or cerebellum Personality disturbances Irritability Impaired intellectual ability Nonspecific EEG changes Increased intracranial pressure Parkinsonism Choreoathetosis Dystonic spasms
Mental status of a person with hypocalcemia
Ectodermal changes in a person with hypocalcemia
Dry skin Coarse hair Brittle nails Alopecia Enamel hypoplasia Shortened premolar roots Thickened lamina dura Delayed tooth eruption Increased dental caries Atopic eczema Exfoliative dermatitis Psoriasis Impetigo herpetiformis
Smooth muscle involvement in an individual with hypocalcemia
Dysphagia Abdominal pain Biliary colic Dyspnea Wheezing
Opthalmologic manifestations of hypocalcemia
- Subcapsular cataracts
- Papilledema
Cardiac effects of hypocalcemia
- Prolonged QT interval in EKG
- Congestive heart failure
- Cardiomyopathy
What is the hallmark of acute hypocalcemia
- Neuromuscular irritability
- Patients often complain of numbness and tingling in their fingertips, toes, and the perioral region. Paresthesias of the extremities may occur, along with fatigue and anxiety
How can neuromuscular irritability be demonstrated clinically
By eliciting chvostek’s or trousseau’s signs
In what percentage of normal individuals is chvostek’s sign present
- In 10% of normal individuals
How can chvostek’s sign be elicited
- Tapping the skin over the facial nerve anterior to the external auditory meatus produces this sign
What causes chvostek’s sign
Low plasma calcium increases the permeability of neuronal membranes to sodium ions, causing a progressive depolarization.
This increases the ease with which action potentials can be initiated. If the plasma Ca2+ decreases to less than 50% of the normal value action potentials may be spontaneously generated, causing contraction of peripheral skeletal muscle.
The reverse is true in hypercalcemia. High Calcium causing decreased permeability and thence muscle weakness.
What is chvostek sign a sign of
- Tetany seen in hypocalcemia
What is chvostek sign also seen in
- Respiratory alkalosis, such as that seen in hyperventilation
Acute consequences of hypercalcemia
- Thirst and polyuria
- Abdominal pain
Chronic consequences of hypercalcemia
- Constipation
- Musculoskeletal aches / weakness
- Neurobehavioral symptoms
- Renal calculi
- Osteoporosis
What is albumin
Albumin is a globular, water-soluble, un-glycosylated serum protein of approximate molecular weight of 65,000 Daltons.
Albumin (when ionized in water at pH 7.4, as found in the body) is negatively charged
Why might the corrected Ca2+ be inaccurate in a lab report
- Albumin concentration may be below 20 g/l
- In severe acute illness (in these cases measure ionised Ca2+ directly)
Effect of pH on protein binding with calcium
- An increase in pH, alkalosis, promotes increased protein binding, which decreases free calcium levels
- Acidosis, on the other hand, decreases protein binding, resulting in increased free calcium levels
Reference range of ionised calcium
1.1-1.35 mmol/L
Normal range of calcium levels in the blood
2.15-2.55 mmoles/L
What are parathyroid chief cells
- Are cells in the parathyroid glands which produce parathyroid hormone
What does increased secretion by the chief cells of a parathyroid gland cause
- An increase in the serum level of calcium
- Parathyroid chief cells constitute one of the few cell types of the body that regulate intracellular calcium levels as a consequence of extracellular(or serum) changes in calcium concentration
What stimulates the uptake of calcium by the parathyroid chief cell
- The calcium-sensing receptor(CaSR) is sensitive to an increase in serum calcium, and stimulates the uptake of calcium by the parathyroid chief cell
- This mechanism is critically important, as it describes a physiological feed-back loop by which parathyroid hormone secretion is down-regulated in response to a restoration of serum calcium
What is parathyroid hormone released in response to
- Low extracellular concentrations of free calcium
Link between blood phosphate concentrations and parathyroid hormone secretion
Changes in blood phosphate concentration can be associated with changes in parathyroid hormone secretion, but this appears to be an indirect effect and phosphate per se is not a significant regulator of this hormone.
Link between calcium concentration and secretion of parathyroid hormone
When calcium concentrations fall below the normal range, there is a steep increase in secretion of parathyroid hormone. Low levels of the hormone are secreted even when blood calcium levels are high.
What type of receptor is the calcium-sensing receptor
G-protein coupled receptor
Features of the calcium-sensing receptor
Like other family members, it contains seven hydrophobic helices that anchor it in the plasma membrane.
The large (~600 amino acids) extracellular domain is known to be critical to interactions with extracellular calcium.
The receptor also has a rather large (~200 amino acids) cytosolic tail
Effects of activation of the calcium sensor
- Activation of phospholipase C, which leads to generation of the second messengers diacylglycerol and inositol trisphosphate.
- Inhibition of adenylate cyclase, which suppresses intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP.
The sensor can also activate the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, suggesting an ability to influence nuclear function.