L.49/50 Skull Bones Flashcards
List the 6 bones of the Skull. Which bone(s) comes in twos?
Frontal Parietal (2) Temporal (2) Occipital Ethmoid Sphenoid
Fusion point of left and right Frontal bones
Metopic Suture
Forehead landmark on the Frontal bone
Frontal Squama
Frontal bone landmark forming the roof of the orbit
Supraorbital margins
A notch on the Frontal bone located on the medial aspect of the Supraorbital Margin
Supraorbital notch
Ridge superior to Supraorbital margin, the area of eyebrows
Superciliary arch
A depressed area between Superciliary Arches
Mucous membrane cavity (Sinus) deep to Frontal Squama and Glabella
Frontal Sinus
Two lines on the Parietal bone, forming the superior and posterior boundary of the temporal fossa - mm. attachment for Temporalis
Superior and Inferior Temporal Lines
Flat, superior part of the temple on the Temporal bone
Temporal Squama
A pointed process projecting at the most inferior aspect of the Temporal bone - muscle and ligaments attachment of tongue and neck
Styloid Process of Temporal bone
The external ear canal on the Temporal bone - passageway to the internal cranium
External Auditory Meatus
Posterior and inferior to the External Auditory Meatus - directs sound waves into the ear
Mastoid process
Inferior to the Temporal Squama, articulates with the Zygomatic bone forming the zygomatic arch
Zygomatic process
A joint formed by the Mandibular Fossa and the Articulate Tubercle
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)