L4: Eyelid disease Flashcards
What is blepharitis?
Chronic inflammation of eyelids, more anterior than meibomian gland dysfunction
What causes blepharitis?
S. aureus
Demodex –> mite that lives in follicles of the glands
Seborrhoeic dermatitis (dandruff)
What are the symptoms of blepharitis?
Redness with mild foreign body sensation
What is meibomian gland dysfunction?
Meibomian glands along lid margins are blocked
What causes meibomian gland dysfunction
Increased bacterial load
Pathophysiology of meibomian gland dysfunction
Cannot produce lipid component of tear film
- Increased evaporation
- Poor quality tear
- -> Dry eye
- -> Localised infections ie. stye
How to treat a stye?
Warm compress –> flannel or wheat bag
- Opens up glands to increase lipid layer production
Topical antibiotics in first few days
- Fusidic acid
- Chloramphenicol
Oral antibiotics if no improvement otherwise
How to manage blepharitis & meibomian gland dysfunction?
- Clean lids of crusts
- Warm compress
- Lid wipes
- Eyelid cleansers - Massage with fingers –> stimulate glands
- Artificial tears
- Support associated dry eye
- Caution preservative
4. Treat cause Topical antibiotics -- Fusidic acid -- Chloramphenicol Systemic antibiotics -- Doxycycline -- Azithromycin Topical steroids -- FML Topical immunosuppressant -- Cyclosporin IPL --> closes up blood vessels in lid margin to decrease inflammatory mediators
What is dry eye?
Meibomian gland dysfunction = lipid layer not formed so tears evaporate faster = poor quality tear
Lacrimal gland dysfunction = no nutrients for tear film = poor quantity tear
What are some causes of dry eye?
- Sjogren’s syndrome –> autoimmune dry eye & dry mouth
- Reflex tearing –> to overcome dry eye
- Cannot close eyes
- Low blink rate
- Drug action eg. anticholinergics
- Vitamin A deficiency
- Contact lens wearer
- Allergy
How to manage dry eye poor QUANTITY tears?
Need to add more tears
- Artificial tears
- Punctual plugs
- Anti-inflammatory drops (no tears, less flushing out of toxins = increased inflammation)
- Dietary supplements eg. omega 3
How to manage dry eye poor QUALITY tears?
Improve the tear film
- Warm compresses
- Lid massage
- Lid cleansers, lid wipes
- Steroids, doxycycline
Types of artificial tears
Carmellose –> Refresh
Hypromellose –> Poly-Tears
Wool Fat –> Poly-Visc
Carbomer –> GenTeal
What is allergic conjunctivitis?
Mild IgE hypersensitivity
Caused by allergens: commonly foreign body, seasonal allergies, contact lens wearer
What are symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis?
Red/pink conjunctiva
Watery or rope-y discharge
Other hayfever symptoms
How to manage allergic conjunctivitis?
Avoid allergen
1. Change contact lens solution
- Artificial tears to flush out allergen, then short course of topical antihistamine (sting upon administration)
- Mast cell stabiliser for seasonal allergies –> takes up to 1 week to have effect, needs to be used regularly. Can be used with systemic antihistamines
- Antihistamine/mast cell stabiliser combination (Patanol, Zaditen), steroid (FML)
- Ocular decongestants (eg. naphazoline) –> quick relief of redness, rebound effect so only 3 days