L4 Dose and Measurement Flashcards
What does radiation absorbed dose mean?
Radiation absorbed dose (D)
- Measurement of the emount of energy absorbed from the radiation beam per unit mass of tissue
- Units: milligray (mGy) and microgray (uGy)
What does equivalent dose mean?
Equivalent dose (H)
- Radiation absorbed dose x weighting factor
- Indicates the radiobiological effectiveness (RBE) of different types of radiation. i.e. allows for the differing biological effects of different types of radiation and thus provides a common unit.
- Units: Sievert (Sv) milliSievert (mSv) microSievert (uSv)
What does effective dose mean?
Effective dose (E)
- Measure which allows doses from different investigations of different parts of the body to be compared, by converting all doses to an equivalent whole body dose.
- Equivalent dose x tissue weighting factor
- Units: Sv, mSv, uSv
When people refer to “dose” they are almost always talking about the effective dose.
What is the typical effective dose from an intra-oral radiograph?
Best practice = 2uSv
Equivalent to 8 hours natural background radiation.
What is the typical effective dose from a panoramic radiogrpah?
Best practice = 20uSv
Equivalent to 3 days natural background radiation.
What is the risk of a fatal malignancy from an intraoral radiograph?
With rectangular collimation and F-speed film or digital radiogrpahy:
1 fatal malignancy per 10 million exposures
What is the risk from 1 panoramic radiograph?
1 fatal malignancy per 1 million exposures
What is the estimated genetic risk from dental radiology in the UK?
1 congenital abnormality every 3 years, reproductive system not in primary beam so risk is practically negligible.