L4: Cellular Accumulations Flashcards
What is the definition of hyalinosis (hyaline degeneration)?
Glassy Refractile Homogenous Structurless Transparent material with unknown nature that stains Red with Eosin.
What are the types of hyalinosis?
Intracellular hyalinosis
1. Corpora Amylacia: Prostate
2. Russell bodies: Plasma cells in Rhinoscleroma
3. Old thrombi
4. Mallory body “Apoptotic bodies”: in Alcoholic
5. Councilman body: in Viral hepatitis (Yellow fever)
Extracellular hyalinosis
A. Vascular:-
1. Artery: Atherosclerosis
2. Arteriole: Spleen in Old age, Hypertension
B. Extra-vascular:-
- Old scar
- Spleen capsule & trabeculae
What are the sites, examples, and M/E of mucinous & myxomatus degeneration?
- Epithelial “Mucinous - Mucoid”
- Connective tissue “Myxomatous”
- Catarrhal inflammation, Mucoid adenocarcinoma
- Myxoma “CT tumor”, Myxedema
- none
- Star-shaped cells separated by pale blue mucin
What is the definition of amyloidosis?
Abnormal deposition of protein substance in between cells and in blood vessels in different tissues and organs.
What is the morphology of amyloidosis?
N/E: Waxy Translucent
M/E: Homogenous Structurless Red material (Like Hyalinosis & Fibrinoid necrosis)
What are the stains of amyloidosis?
Gross stains
1) lodine: Brown
2) lodine with sulphoric acid: Blue
Microscopic stains
1) Congo red: When viewed under polarized light it gives Apple Green birefringence
What are the types of systemic amyloidosis?
1) Immunocyte dyscrasias with amyloidosis “Primary amyloidosis
2) Reactive systemic amyloidosis “Secondary amyloidosis”
3) Heredofamilial amyloidosis
Where is Immunocyte dyscrasias with amyloidosis “Primary amyloidosis” seen in and what is its site, and cause of diseases?
-Seen in: Multiple Myeloma (Plasma cell tumor).
- Site:
a) Early in Muscle - Heart - GIT “Alimentary tract”.
b) Late in: Solid organs.
-Cause of Death:
Heart failure - Renal failure
Where is Reactive systemic amyloidosis “Secondary amyloidosis” seen in and what is its site, and cause of diseases?
- Seen in Chronic inflammatory lesions with continuous breakdown (TB - Rheumatoid arthritis).
- Site: Early in Solid organs.
- Cause of Death: Renal failure.
Describe Heredofamilial amyloidosis
Familial Mediterranean Fever “FMF” characterized
by recurrent inflammations of Joints & Serous sacs.
What are examples of localized amyloidosis?
1) Senile Cardiac Amyloidosis
2) Senile Cerebral Amyloidosis “Alzheimer disease”
3) Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma MTC
4) Nodules in Skin - Tongue - Larynx - Lung - Urinary bladder
What is the N/E of any organ with amyloidosis?
V Size: Enlarged V Shape: Preserved V Surface: Smooth V Consistency: Firm V Color: Pale Greyish-brown V Edges: Sharp edges
What is Gout “Hyperuricemia”?
Disturbance of Purines in nucleoprotein metabolism.
What is the pathology of Gout “Hyperuricemia”?
In joints:-
- Recurrent attacks of acute arthritis.
- Chronic gouty Tophi: Joints - Eyelid - Cartilage of ear.
In kidney:-
- Urate stones
- Chronic renal failure
What is pathological calcification?
Deposition of Ca salts in tissues other than bone & teeth.