L3: Medical Protozoology Flashcards
What are Protozoa?
These are unicellular organisms that occur singly or in colony formation. Each protozoan is a complete unit capable of performing all functions.
What is the morphology of Protozoa?
Protozoa have a wide range of sizes (1-150μ). The structure of a protozoan cell is formed of a cytoplasmic body and a nucleus.
What is the Cytoplasm of Protozoa formed of?
Ectoplasm and endoplasm
Ectoplasm of protozoa
Ectoplasm: The outer hyaline layer that is responsible for (REPSI) ingestion of food, excretion, respiration, protection, and sensation.
Some structures develop from ectoplasm as:
- Organs of locomotion; pseudopodia, flagella and cilia.
- Organs for food intake or excretion; peristome, cytostome, and cytepyge
Endoplasm of Protozoa
The inner granular part of the cytoplasm is responsible for nutrition and reproduction. The endoplasm contains a number of structures as food vacuoles, foreign bodies, contractile vacuoles, and chromatoid bodies and may contain RBCs.
Nucleus of protozoa
is the most important structure, as it regulates the various functions and reproduction. It is formed of:
a. Nuclear membrane.
b. Nuclear sap (nucleoplasm).
c. Chromatin granules.
d. Karyosome (nucleolus or endosome): It is a DNA-containing body, situated centrally or peripherally within the nucleus.
What are the parts of protozoa responsible for nutrition?
Endoplasm and ectoplasm
What are the parts of protozoa responsible for reproduction?
Entoplasm and nucleus
What is the protoplasm?
It is the cytoplasm + nucleus
Movement of protozoa
Protozoa may move by pseudopodia, cilia, and flagella with or without undulating (wavy) membrane.
Respiration of protozoa
It may be by direct taking of oxygen or by using oxygen liberated from metabolic processes (anaerobic).
Nutrition of protozoa
It is through:
a. Absorption of liquid food.
b. Ingestion of solid material through the ectoplasm by pseudopodia or the cytostome (mouth) and become surrounded by food vacuoles.
- Digestive enzymes take in the food and the undigested particles are forced out through the surface of the body or through a specialized opening (cytopyge - anal canal).
Excretion of protozoa
It is performed by osmotic pressure, contractile vacuoles, diffusion, or cytopyge.
Secretion of protozoa
A protozoan cell can secrete “Cd chat PP” cyst wall, digestive enzymes, pigments, proteolytic enzymes, hemolysins, cytolysins, toxic and antigenic substances.
Reproduction of protozoa
The parasite multiplies only in the trophozoite stage. The methods of reproduction are of the following types: Asexual, sexual