L3 - L5 key words Flashcards
A reversion (return) to something ancesteral
A single gene is NOT responsible for behaviour
A personality trait to describe cold, unemotional and aggressive individuals
CDH13 gene
Gene that’s linked to substance abuse and attention deficit order
Mirror Neurons
Brain cells which allow people to feel empathy
Philosophy which states that people with undesirable traits should not be allowed to reproduce
Diathesis-stress model
Model which holds that the environment moderates the effect that genes have on behaviour
APD (anti-social personality disorder)
A disorder which is characterised by reduced emotional responses and a lack of empathy
Individuals who are jumpy and overly anxious
MAOA gene
Gene which affects dopamine and serotonin
Prefrontal cortex
Brain area which regulates emotional behaviour
Candidate genes
Genes which might be responsible for a behaviour
Individuals who constantly seek excitement and stimulation - they may engage in risk taking
Grey Matter
Main component of central nervous system - includes cell bodies