L3 Ch 3 Deductive arguments & logic Flashcards
What frustrating part of critical thinking is addressed by argument-reconstruction
When confronted with an argument, we find it hard to hold the whole thing clearly before us, we find it hard to say exactly what the argument is
Representation of arguments in standard form, gives us a clear and comprehensive view of them
What frustrating part of critical thinking is addressed by argument-assessment
Even when we do succeed in laying the argument out before us clearly, we find it hard to describe what is wrong with it
What is motivated reasoning? What is important factor in this?
More elaboration with high motivation and capacity.
The kind of motivation is important
What are three kinds of motivation?
- Accuracy motivation
- Defense motivation - defending our beliefs
- Impression motivation - impressing others is important
It doesn’t come naturally, we need the right attitude
What would be the reason for reasoning if we’re so bad at it? What theory answers this question?
The argumentative theory of reason
- The primary function of human reasoning is not necessarily to seek objective truth but to serve a social function
- A tool for argumentation and communication, helping people justify their actions, convince others, and evaluate social interactions.
- People are better in assessing other people’s reasons than in constructing their own
Even if individual reasoning is biased, people scrutinise weaker arguments, selecting for the better ones and collectively they reach more efficient and better reasoning and decision-making
What are the steps of critical thinking?
- Develop a critical disposition
- Learn to recognise (the elements of arguments)
- Learn to reconstruct arguments
- Logical assessment - determine whether or not the premises support the conclusion
- Factual assessment - determine whether all of the premises are true
principle of charity
What is an argument and what are the tasks when trying to understand others’ argument?
- An argument is a system of propositions – a set of premises advanced in support of a conclusion
- Part of the task – clarify what the arguer actually said and to supplement what the arguer actually meant (to make explicit what was merely implicit)
Principle of charity
What are the following two consequences from this?
- The sentences we use in a reconstruction of the argument need not be the very same sentences used by the arguer
- Our reconstructed version may contain premises that weren’t previously expressed
The principle of charity
What do we have to do when reconstructing other people’s arguments?
Argument-reconstruction = task of interpretation
To reconstruct what the arguer was trying to express, we have to look at context and circumstances
Principle of charity
What if we look at context and circumstances and it is still not clear what the arguer meant?
We look at purpose
- Hoping to convince others that the person is wrong, a common tactic is to represent the weakest version of the person’s argument
- What matters is whether or not the conclusion of the person’s argument is true – choose the best and fair representation of the argument – principle of charity
Principle of charity
What is principle of charity
Encourages interpreting another person’s argument in the most reasonable and favorable way before criticizing or evaluating it. It involves understanding their statements as logically sound and consistent, even if the language or phrasing is unclear or appears flawed.
Principle of charity
What do we have to be careful about when applying principle of charity?
If our task is to reconstruct the argument then we must not go beyond what we may reasonably expect the arguer to have had in mind
What is truth in logic?
Truth in logic is very straigthforward - represents the way things are
What is truth-value of a proposition
Whether proposition is true or false
- proposition corresponds to reality = true
- Proposition doesn’t correspond to reality = false
The diagram how to decide whether argument is valid/sound/forceful
Picture 1
What is the critical thinker’s two-step?
Step 1 - Logical assessment - determine whether or not the premises support the conclusion
Step 2 - Factual assessment - determine whether all of the premises are true
Through what two processesses can we support logical assessment?
- Logical necessity (deductive reasoning) - if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true as well; the conclusion is guaranteed by the premises
- Probability (inductive reasoning) - conclusion is not guaranteed but is likely or probable given the premises
What is validity?
It would be impossible for all the premises of the argument to be true, but the conclusion false
- To say that an argument is valid is to say: if the premises are (or were) true, the conclusion would also have to be true
- It’s about the logical connection between conclusion and premises - the conclusion must logically follow from the premises
- It’s about the structure of the argument not the truth in reality
What different forms of true/false premises/conclusions can a valid argument contain?
A valid argument can contain premises that are not true & conclusions that are not true. What it cannot contain are premises that are in fact true but a conclusion that is false.
1 The premises are all (actually) true, and the conclusion is (actually) true.
2 The premises are all (actually) false, and the conclusion is (actually) false.
3 The premises are all (actually) false, and the conclusion is (actually) true.
4 Some of the premises are (actually) true, some are (actually) false and the conclusion is (actually) true.
5 Some of the premises are (actually) true, some are (actually) false and the conclusion is (actually) false.
All of these arguments are valid.
What does it mean for an argument to not be valid?
The conclusion is not logically connected with the premises
- If an argument is not valid, it doesn’t matter how true the premises are
Argument cannot be valid when the premises are all (actually) true, but the conclusion is (actually) false
How do we determine validity?
- Ignore the actual truth-values of the premises and the actual truth-value of the conclusion
- Suppose that the premises were all true – could the conclusion be completely false
- If it couldn’t be false, then the argument is valid, if it could be false, then the argument is invalid
Always ask: Must the conclusion be true, if the premises are true?
Look at the logic behind it - can the conclusion be false even if we assume that all the premises are true?
What are the types of valid-argument forms?
- Argument by cases
- Disjunctive syllogism
- Hypothethical syllogism/chain
- Modus Ponens
- Modus Tollens
Argument by cases
P1) P or Q
P2) P→Y (If P holds then Y is the case)
P3) Q→Y (If Q holds then Y is the case)
C) Y
P or Q is true - they cannot both be false so Y has to be true
Consider multiple cases, show that conclusion follows from each case, so the conclusion must be true regardless of which case holds.
Example of argument by cases
P1) Bobby is either married (P) or not married (Q)
P2) If Bobby is married (P), then a married person is looking at an unmarried person (Y)
P3) If Bobby is unmarried (Q), then a married person is looking at an unmarried person (Y)
C) A married person is looking at an unmarried person (Y)
Chain/hypothetical syllogism
P1) If P, then Q
P2) If Q, then R
C) If P, then R
The beginning of the chain is P, the end is R and the connecting part is Q
P1) When it rains (P), it’s cloudy (Q)
P2) When it’s cloudy (Q), it’s dark (R)
C) It rains (P), so it’s dark (R)
Dysjunctive syllogism
P1) P or Q
P2) -Q (not Q so it must be P)
C) P
Only P or Q is true
C is only false if both P&Q are true
P1) I dance (P), or everyone dance (Q)
P2) Not everyone dances (-Q)
C) So I dance (P)
Modus Ponens
P1) If P, then Q
P2) P
C) Q
If we confirm P, Q must be true
P1) When it rains (P), it’s cloudy (Q)
P2) It rains (P)
C) So it’s cloudy (Q)
Modus Tollens
P1) If P, then Q
P2) -Q (denying the second part of the ‘if P then Q’ argument)
C) -P
If Q is false then P has to be false as well
If you deny the consequent of the conditional, you also have to deny the antecedent
P1) When it rains (P), it’s cloudy (Q)
P2) It’s not cloudy (-Q)
C) So it doesn’t rain (-P)
We have a stack of cards with Pokemon on the front and singers on the back
- If there is a squirtle on the front, Rapper Sjors is on the other side
- Which two cards should we turn to see whether this rule holds?
If there is a squirtle on the front (P), Rapper Sjors is on the other side (Q)
1. We turn the squirtle to see whether Rapper is there. If he isn’t, but Justin Bieber is then the rule doesn’t hold
P1) P→Q
P2) P
C) Q
2. Then, we turn Justin bieber, to see whether Pikachu is on the other side. If the squirtle is there, then the rule doesn’t hold
P1) P→Q
P2) -Q
C) -P
Turning anything else, we would not get to the conclusion because they would be the formal fallacies of confirming the consequent (If Q then P) and denying the antecedent (If not P then not Q)
What are argument trees?
Devices used for representing arguments in the form of a diagram
- helpful when reconstructing arguments = means of showing the ways in which the different parts of an argument are related to each other
How can we represent different argument structures with an argument tree?
Look at picture 2 in pdf
1. In argument A, each premise supprts the conclusion individually
2. In argument B, neither premise supports C by itself, they work together to support C
This is represented in the argument tree by the arrows - argument A doesn’t explicitly include its ‘connecting’ premise (it was left implicit)
There are arguments that can have multiple intermediate conclusion - picture 3
What are prescriptive claims?
Claims which state or express desires, norms or moral rules
It is wrong to keep Rover on a chain all day.
You ought to allow John to attend the party.
Freedom is a basic value.
The US needs a different health care system.
What are descriptive claims?
Fact-stating claims
The cat is on the mat.
Jupiter is larger than Saturn.
If Susie is late, then she will miss dinner.
There are some otters in the river.
The connection to formal logic
Why do we use ‘‘dummy’’ letters intead of premises?
The point of the argument doesn’t depend on the declarative sentence but on the logical properties of the sentence (unless, if-then…)
Enables us to generalise about arguments on the basis of their forms
P1) If P then Q1
P2) P
C) Q
What are the symbols of the surrogates for the logical expressions of english that join sentences?
‘if-then’, inclusive or, and, not, use of paranthesis
‘→’ for ‘if-then’
‘∨’ for inclusive ‘or’
‘&’ (or ‘∧’) for ‘and’
‘¬’ for ‘not’ or ‘It is not the case that’
‘∀’ (universal qualifier) = ‘every … is such that’
‘∃’ (existential qualifier) = ‘There is/are…’
¬ P & Q = says that P is false and Q is true
¬ (P & Q) = it’s false that both P&Q are true
All of these are required for truth-functional logic
What letters can we use further to truth-functional logic? Which meaning do they have and why are they useful?
‘F’ and ‘G’ stand for general terms (volcano, piano…)
‘P’ and ‘Q’ stand for whole sentences
Lower case letters are used in place of names (Vienna, Mount Fuji, Justin Bieber)
x stands for ‘thing’ or ‘it’
It’s useful because the validity of the argument is independent of the particular meaning.
An example of truth-functional logic
Very long flashcard but no need to memorise, just understand the logic
- Everything is such that if it is a soprano then it is Italian
Replace ‘thing’ and ‘it’ with x
- Every x is such that if x is a soprano then x is Italian
Replace ‘ … is a soprano’ with ‘F’, and ‘ is Italian’ with ‘G’
We swap the order, turning ‘x is a soprano’ into ‘Fx’
- Every x is such that if Fx then Gx
Replace ‘if-then’ with the arrow and put in parentheses for clarity
- Every x is such that (Fx→Gx)
Invoke the universal quantifier ‘∀’ for the phrase ‘Every is such that …’
- ∀x(Fx → Gx)
This is quantificational logic
We can add existential qualifier
- ∃x(Fx & Gx)
This means: ‘There is an object which is both
F and G’
What is practical logic and why is it useful?
Learn to identify the reasoning in commonly encountered attemptd to persuade us and to assess it as good or bad
- We need the concept of validity but we don’t need artificial symbols or elaborate technical procedures for detecting validity
What is syllogism
Logical form with three statements of fact
- two premises followed by a conclusion
How do we evaluate the truth of syllogisms?
Using Venn diagrams - picture 5
- The syllogism must be true under all conditions to be considered true
- It’s important to try to falsify the syllogism - If the first two premises are true, can we conclude that the conclusion must be true?
What are the three types of errors people make when faced with a syllogism?
The errors are systematic - people aren’t guessing
- Conversion error
- Conversational implicature
- The effect of atmosphere
Errors - syllogism
Conversion error
People reverse terms that should not be reversed
- Some terms (no and some) can be reversed
↪ e.g. No dogs are cats. No cats are dogs - Some terms however (all and some…not) cannot be reversed
↪ e.g. All canaries are birds. All birds are cannaries. → not true
↪ e.g. Some mammals are not cows. Some cows are not mammals. → not true
What is conversational implicature?
Some terms are used more casually, with different meaning in conversational language than in logicians’ language
E.g. Some in logic means ‘at least one, and possibly all’. In conversational language, ‘more than one, but not all’. (Look at the example in previous flashcards 42 and try to apply those rules and you’ll see the meaning changes with what is actually meant by some)
How does the atmosphere created by the syllogisms affect people’s judgment of the truth of the syllogism?
When both of the premises in a syllogism are both either positive, negative or use the same quantifiers (e.g. all, none)
No As are Bs
No Bs are Cs
No As are Cs
↪ the conclusions seems appropriate because of the athmosphere created but it doesn’t logically follow the premises
- nothing is said directly about the relationship between A and C. Just because A and B are mutually exclusive, and B and C are mutually exclusive, it doesn’t guarantee that A and C are mutually exclusive
What is a conditional proposition?
A conditional is a compound proposition consisting of two parts
- Each of these two parts are itself a proposition
- The two parts are joined by some connectinh words such as ‘if-then’, ‘either-or’, ‘unless’, ‘only-if’…
- ‘‘If it’s raining, it’s cloudy.’’
What is the difference between a conditional and an argument?
- Conditional is said to be true or false rather than valid or invalid like an argument
- Conditional is not an argument but one proposition that comprises two propositions as parts
- Whereas argument has to have at least two propositions
- Many arguments have conclusion which themselves are conditionals
Does the order of the propositions matter in a conditional?
It doesn’t matter in what order the two smaller sentences occur, what matters is the logical relationship asserted by the sentence
What are the two parts of a conditional?
1. Antecedent - the part in front of the arrow
2. Consequent - the part after the arrow
What relationship do an antecendent and a consequence have in terms of necessity and sufficiency?
The antecendent is sufficient (but not necessary) for the consequent
The consequent is necessary (but not sufficient) for the antecendent
- in the P→Q example, P is sufficient for Q but Q is necessary for P
Why is the consequent necessary for the antecedent?
The consequent envelops the antecedent
- Q is necessary but not sufficient for P to be true since P is inside Q and Q can be true without P but P can’t be true without Q
The clouds are necessary but not sufficient for the rain
The rain is sufficient but not necessary for the clouds
What does necessity and sufficiency mean for the truth of the premises in relation to each other?
Not sufficiency = as soon as we know that the conseqent is true, it doesn’t mean that the antecedent is true as well
Sufficiency = If the antecedent is true, the consequent is true as well
Not necessity - the consequent can also be true if the antecedent is false
Necessity - the antecedent cannot be true without the consequent also being true
What does it mean for an argument to be deductively sound?
Knowing that the argument is valid is not enough to show that the conclusion is true so we must determine the truth-value of the premises
When an argument is valid there are two possibilities:
1. One or more of the premises are false = we can’t conclude the truth-value of the conclusion
2. All of the premises are actually true = a valid argument with true premises cannot have a false conclusion, so the conclusion must be true = deductively sound
What does it mean for an argument to be deductively unsound?
One or more premises are false, or the argument is invalid, or both
Because deductive soundness, like validity, pertains to whole arguments, not to a single propositions
What is logical equivalence?
Two statements are logically equivalent if they always have the same truth value in every possible situation or interpretation
What is an example of logical equivalence?
“If it’s 11:00, the tutorial starts.”
Is logically equivalent to:
- The tutorial starts, if it’s 11:00.
- If the tutorial doesn’t start, it’s not 11:00.
- It’s 11:00, only if the tutorial starts.
- It’s not 11.00 unless the tutorial starts
- The tutorial starts, or it’s not 11:00
Why is ‘the tutorial starts, if it’s 11:00’ equivalent to ‘It it’s 11:00, the tutorial starts’?
The if travels with the antecedent so the two sentences have the same meaning. It’s about the logical relations, not about the place of the words in the sentence
Why ‘If the tutorial doesn’t start, it’s not 11:00’ is logically equivalen to ‘It it’s 11:00, the tutorial starts’?
It’s called contraposition
If P then Q
We can switch P and Q and deny them both and it will logically have the same meaning since Q is necessary for P
If not Q, then not P
Why is ‘It’s 11:00, only if the tutorial starts’ logically equivalent to ‘It it’s 11:00, the tutorial starts’?
The ‘only if’ represents necessary condition of the consequent for the antecedent
Why is ‘It’s not 11.00 unless the tutorial starts’ equivalent to ‘If it’s 11.00, the tutorial starts.’?
Unless = if not
So we can turn it into: ‘It’s not 11:00, if the tutorial doesn’t start.’
Basically like contraposition but the position is switched since the if travels with the ‘the tutorial doesn’t start’
Why is ‘The tutorial starts, or it’s not 11:00’ equivalent to ‘If it’s 11:00, the tutorial starts.’?
Q, or not P
Unless, explicitly stated that the or is exclusive, we can assume that the or is inclusive = either Q is true, or P is true, or they are both true
If P is denies and we say that’s false, it’s basically saying P is true so Q must be true as well.
(exclusive = both Q and P cannot be true at the same time)
Why do we strive for our theory to be falsifiable through deductive reasoning?
For a theory to be scientific, it must be testable; if a theory can’t be tested, it remains speculative
↪ Falsification ensures that the theory generates predictions that can be observed and tested in the real world
- Also avoiding confirmation bias
Karl Popper - argued strongly for falsicification in science
How can we demonstrate that falsification is the only way that’s definitive?
Picture 4