L3: Assault - MCQ's and Application Practice Flashcards
What is a NFO ?
A criminal act that causes harm or inury but not death. For example, assault.
What is a Fatal Offence ?
A criminal act that results in death of the victim or causes serious harm leading to death. For example, murder or manslaughter.
What is an Assault ?
An act by whcih the D intentionally or recklessly causes the victim to apprehend immediate unlawful personal violence. i.e. shaking a fist at someone.
Which act and section of the act makes assault a criminal offence ?
s.39 of the Criminal Justice Act 1998. However it doesn’t definite assault.
What is the AR of assault ?
The defendant causes victim to apprehend imminent unlawful force. So, the prosecution must prove:
- The D performs an act
- Causes victim to apprehend
- Immediate
- Unlawful Force
Key case for the AR of assault
Collins v Willock (1984)
What is the MR of assault ?
The D intended or was reckless that the victim would apprehend imminent unlawful force.
So, the prosecution must prove:
- Intention
- Recklessness
Key Case for the MR of Assault
R v Venna (1976)
What are the elements of assault ?
Act - It requires a positive act so can’t be commited by an omission - Fagan v Metropolitan Commissioner (1969)
Omission- The D’s omission may constitute an assault where he creates a dangerous situation
(DPP v Santa-Bermudez (2003)
Assault by words
Words alone can constitute to an assault, without the presence of physical action, if they cause victim to apprehend fear of immediate violence.
Key case for Assault by Words
R v Constanza
Assault by Silence
Silence may amount to an assault
Key Case for Assault by Silence
R v Ireland
Facts: Mr Robert Ireland made a series of silent telephone calls to three women. Women as a result suffered psychological harm.
Issue: Whether silence could amount to an assault
Decision: Silent telephones calls are capable of amounting to assault if the victim apprehends immediate unlawful violence.
What are the AR elements of assault ?
- Apprehension of Force
- Immediate force
- Unlawful force
What is Apprehension of force ?
-D’s act must cause apprehension of violence/force
-Apprehension doesn’t mean fear, it means expectation.
What is immediate force ?
-This would only suffice for assault
-Theres several cases in which the court didn’t apply the immediately requirement strictly. For instance, in R v Ireland (1998), Lord Steyn said fear of violence within a minute or two might be sufficient to constitute an assault.
-A threat to be violent in the distant future isn’t an assault.
So, in a nutshell:
1.Apprehension of immediate violence – Assault
2.Immediate apprehension of deferred violence – No Assault
What are the MR elements of Assault ?
How are these two elements defined ?
- Intention- This is where the D intended to cause apprehension or immediate unlawful force.
- Recklessness-This is where the D foresaw that there was a risk that the victim would apprehend immediate unlawful force.