L29 - ITU Frequency Allocations for Space Systems Part I Flashcards
Explain the basics of regulation of satellite systems’ access to radiofrequency spectrum and orbital resources, including:
ITU’s role in regulation of satellite networks
• Predominantly a technical body but decisions influenced by politics and economics
• A sat operator is subject to coordination if they want international recognition and protection from interference
o Must go through a country
Principles for regulation of satellite networks
• 3 levels of regulation
1. Satellite operator/space craft level – host admin, ITU coordination, “landing rights” for other countries
2. Service provider level - licensed carrier, private network, ISP, television broadcaster, etc. in each country served
3. Ground equipment level – earth station authorization, uplink frequency
• First come, first served rights through coordination process and registration in MIFR
• A priori frequency planning – rights secured through filing for an allotment, ensures equitable access to orbit/spectrum
o Planning is problematic b/c it locks you into tech capabilities when planning was implemented
How the ITU’s Radio Regulations are adopted and their contents
• Article 1 – service definitions and terminology
• Article 4 – assignment and use of frequencies
o Limit use of frequencies b/c limited and shared natural resource
o No harmful interference
• Article 5 – frequency allocations
o Establishes 3 regions, primary and secondary allocation categories
• Article 9 – coordination procedures
o Advance Publication Information submitted 2 years before operation
• Article 11 – notification and recording procedures
o Must bring frequencies into use w/in 7 years
o Have 2-7 years to coordinate w/potentially affected networks
• Article 21 – terrestrial and space services sharing bands above 1 GHz
o Power limits, tech parameters
• Article 22 – space services
o Limits to control interference between GEO systems and non-GEO systems
• 9 kHz to 1000 GHz
• 43 radio services defined (Fixed satellite service, mobile satellite service, broadcasting satellite service, radio-navigation satellite service, etc.)
• Facilitate equitable access to spectrum and GEO orbit, protect from harmful interference, Provide for and regulate new applications of radiocoms tech