L21/22 Cardiac Performance Flashcards
Cardiac performance
Primary function = eject sufficing amount of blood into arterial system to maintain blood pressure at a level that will assure adequate blood flow to all the peripheral tissues
How well heart does this task = cardiac performance
Left ventricular pulse pressure
Get through left ventricular catheterization
Mainly done through radial artery
Pressure/volume loop
Plots pressure as function of volume
Time flows in counter clockwise direction
Xaxis volume
Yaxis pressure
Use a tool to compute work done by ventricular
Area of loop = work done by ventricle
Diff btw systolic and diastolic pressure
LVPP = systolic p - diastolic p
Factors that influence CO
ANS (impacts HR and contractility)
Tension in ventricular wall at end of diastole (proportional to EDV)
Tension usually not determined
Therefore measure
Ventricular EDV or
Ventricular ED pressure
Determines resting fiber length
Importance of preload
Regulation of CO is based on the observation that strength of contraction of an isolated cardiac muscle fiber is a function of muscle fiber length ( length tension relationship)
Frank-starling law of the heart
As increase EDV heart is intrinsically able to eject more blood
Relationship manifested in the length tension relationship
Thought to be due to the increased number of XBs formed
As EDV increases, ventricle contracts w more force and a greater SV results
Place on curve means able to accommodate variation in volumes
Frank-starling also ensures
The outputs of the right and left ventricle are matched
Has to match
Increasing volume load (preload)
Also increase EDV
Increases stoke volume SV
ESV doesn’t change
There’s a peak pressure that ventricle can generate
Area within loop is LVSW
Increases ventricular work
Factors that determine preload
Ventricular filling time - dependent on HR (increase HR, EDV (&SV) May decrease
Ventricular compliance - (change V/change P) low compliance can impede filling
Filling pressure- w neg intrathoracic P, increase venous return to right heart
Contribution of atrial systole to filling- important when filling time is reduced
Pericardial constraint- increases fluid around heart can reduce compliance and filling
Ventricular filling time and preload
Time available for passive filling
In absence of sympathetic stimulation
(Langendorff heart prep)
Increase HR to 150 bpm lowers time for reduced filling
CO usually not affected since decreases SV compensated for by increased HR
CO adversely affect at HR >150 -180 bpm
With sympathetic stimulation (in vivo)
SV preserved due to increased contractility
CO can increase dramatically
Ventricular compliance and preload
Ability of ventricle to distend under pressure
Highly compliant chamber will undergo a large change in volume with relatively small change in pressure
Low compliance ventricles develop higher pressures during diastole which retard filling
Compliance is reduced in hypertrophy and ischemia
Ventricular filling pressure and preload
Pressure gradient between inside and outside of ventricle
Intrathoracic pressure and central venous pressure (CVP) affect right ventricular pressure and SV
Decreasing intrathoracic pressure (I.e. inspiration) or increasing CVP will increase RV preload and therefore SV
Atrial systole and preload
Atrial systole and contractility have small effect on EDV
only responsible for 10-25% of EDV
atrial kick
Atrial systole can be very important in cases where diastole filling times are limited
When rapid filling times are reduced (high HR)
Sympathetic stimulation can increase atrial contractility
Pericardial constraint and preload
Role of pericardium w respect to EDV
protects against left ventricular volume overload
Maintains alignment w major vessels
( has minimal fluid)
If pericardium becomes filled with excess fluid:
Fluid will exert a hydrostatic pressure on the external surface of heart that effectively reduces ventricular compliance
Lowered compliance reduces EDV and SV
EX: cardiac tamponade
Determinant of cardiac performance: afterload
Resistance against which ventricle contracts (resistance heart has to overcome to eject blood into aorta)
For left ventricle, major components: Arterial pressure Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) Arterial wall compliance Mass of the column of blood in aorta Viscosity of blood
Estimated by mean arterial pressure = DP + 1/3PP
Inverse relationship btw afterload and
Ventricular muscle shortening (SV)
Maximum velocity of ejection
Increased afterload w constant EDV
Aortic valve opens later and closes sooner
Increases ESV
reduces SV
Afterload is increased by
Aortic stenosis Elevated arterial pressure Increase PVR increase blood viscosity Decrease arterial compliance
Physiological compensation: increased afterload
Increased ESV, ventricle still fills normally so EDV increases
Restores normal SV
Increased area in the loop=increased ventricular stroke work
Determinants of cardiac performance
Ability of heart to do work at any given fiber length
Distinct from changes in EDV/preload and afterload/arterial pressure
Factors that affect myocardial contractility: ANS activity (primarily SNS) Circulating hormones (I.e. epinephrine) Catechilamines increase Ca influx and availability (more x bridges = more force generated)
Fiber length proportional to
compare curves holding EDV constant
SNS stimulation:
Increase SV at any given EDV
Increases ejection fraction
Positive inotropic effect
SNS stimulation also increase
Rate of rise (+dP/DT)
Also rate of rise (-dP/DT) enhances Shortens systole (filling times maintained)
Effects of increasing contractility (I.e. SNS)
At any give EDV, EDP, and afterload ventricle:
Ejects more blood (increases SV) due to more rapid/forceful emptying
Increased contractility will increase ejection fraction and decrease ESV
ESV dependent upon
Afterload and contractility
Contractility increases(velocity of shortening increases:
Increases ejection velocity, SV
Decrease ESV
Conversely decrease contractility:
Increase ESV
Decrease SV
Assessment contractility
Can’t measure wall tension directly
Can measure isovolumic indices (get rate of ventricular P changes during isovolumic contraction (+dP/dt) with catheterization
Can measure ejection indices: Ejection fraction through echocardiography Ratio of SV to EDV Normal 50-75% Abnormal <40%
HR influences cardiac performance in 2 ways
Relationship btw HR and CO redux
Aka Bowditch staircase effect
Increasing HR causes Ca accumulation, increases contractility
More Ca enters per unit time at high HR and some is stored in SR
available for release on subsequent beats
Helps maintain CO at very fast HRs
Small but measurable effect
Relationship btw work load and HR
HR increases linearly w exercise intensity
Max HR a function of age , not training
Relationship btw work load and SV
SV is linear at low intensities but plateaus
Plateau likely due to reduced ventricular filling time
Cardiac metabolism
Resting metabolic rate
25% to basal metabolism, rest for contraction
MR increases during heavy exercise
Cardiac muscles have many mitochondria & capillaries
Left ventricle does 6-7x work of right
35-40% energy requirement from carb ox under basal, fasted conditions
Balance of energy primarily from fatty acid ox (fasted)
Highly aerobic
During exercise
Efficiency improves
Volume work increases; energetically less costly than pressure work
Volume work
Moving blood / preload
Pressure work
Working against afterload