L2 | PHOTOSYNTHESIS | Introduction to Life and Living Flashcards
What is a living thing refered to as?
a wide variety of living things
What is the size range of an organsim?
From a microscopic bacterium to the largest living animal on Earth.
mushrooms and moulds
How many groups can animals be classified into?
2 Groups.
What are the 2 groups?
vertebrates and invertebrates
How many groups of vertebrates are there?
5 groups
How many groups of invertebrates are there?
6 groups
What are vertebrates?
Animals that have a skeleton inside their bodies and have a spine.
What is an example of vertebrates?
Humans, Elephants, etc.
(I know humans arnt animals Mary!)
What are invertebrates?
Animals that have exoskeletons (no bones inside their bodies.)
What are some examples of invertebrates?
Jellyfish, worms, etc.
Name the 5 groups of vertebrates.
- Fish
- Amphibians
- Reptiles
- Birds
- Mammals
Name the 6 groups of invertebrates.
- sponges
- Jellysish
- Worms
- Molluscs
- Starfish
- Arthropods
What are the 7 life processes?
M - Movement
R - Respiration
S - Sensitivity
G - Growth
R - Reproduction
E - Excretion
N - Nutrition