L2: mastication & deglutition Flashcards
Function of mastication
First stage of digestion
Mash and crush food so it is small enough to swallow - bolus
Mixes food with saliva
Increases SA for enzymes
What part of the mouth does it involve?
Mandible moves up and down - incisors bite food
Molars side to side to crush food into bolus
What does chewing do?
Generates a lot of saliva
Muscles of mastication - jaw closing
Medial pterygoid
Muscles of mastication - jaw opening
Lateral pterygoid
What are the muscles of mastication innervated by?
The mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CNV)
How do we know mastication is controlled?
Because the bite required is different for different foods e.g., for jelly, cracker or steak different bites are needed
Central pattern generator - ‘chewing centre’
Chewing is a repetitive and rhythmical motor activity controlled by the ‘chewing centre’
Masticatory central pattern generator (CPG). A neural network in the brain stem.
How does the chewing centre allow control of jaw movements?
- controls jaw opening and jaw closing
- generates a basic rhythm
- brought about by neuronal network in the brainstem - rhythm generating neurones
How does the chewing centre control bite?
- great variability
- regulated by food type
- brought about by sensory feedback to the brain stem
Type of chewing is modified by: - cortex - voluntary control
- sensory feedback from dental/periodontal receptors
How does the sensory feedback in the chewing centre work?
- dental (tooth pulp) /periodontal mechanoreceptors send information on the food to the brain stem/CPG
- fine tune rhythmic jaw movements
- prevents excessive force being applied to the tooth
- if biting force increases, jaw closing is inhibited (so you don’t chomp too hard)
- adapts to the food type - motor output becomes appropriate for food viscosity, size, temperature etc.
What factors affect pattern of chewing?
Pattern of chewing varies according to age, gender, food
Which centres communicate with each other?
Respiratory CPG and swallowing CPG communicate with each other and the masticatory CPG, so it is all coordinated.
Difference between the rhythm generator and the burst generator
Rhythm generator - generates the basic masticatory rhythm
Burst generator - adapts rhythm according to sensory inputs from the oral cavity so that the movement becomes appropriate for the food bonus, size, viscosity and temperature. Fine tunes rhythmic jaw movements.
How does dental/periodontal disease affect mastication?
Edentulism (no teeth) - some sensory feedback in the teeth is lost
Periodontal disease - inflammation means sensors won’t work as well
Dental caries - teeth are rotting, so nerves within them will have trouble working
Dentures - loss of sensory feedback and fine tuning ability