L2 - Defining the Reproductive Tracts COPY Flashcards
i) what are the gonads in females?
ii) name the four internal ducts
iii) name three parts of external genitalia
iv) name five principle functions of the female genital system
i) gonads = ovaries
ii) int ducts = uterus, fallopian tube, cervix, vagina
iii) vulva, clitoris, vestibule of vagina
iv) funcs = produce oocytes
2) produce hormones (oes, testos, proges)
3) transport oocyte to site of fertilisation
4) nourish fertilised oocyte
5) deliver foetus
i) what shape are they?
ii) where do they develop anatomically? where do they then remain?
iii) which two ligaments suspend them
iv) VAN supply?
i) almond shaped
ii) develop retroperitoneally and remain in the abdominal cavity
iii) suspended by ovarian ligament and the mesovarium (part of the broad ligament)
iv) arterial supp by ovarian artery (and uterine)
venous drain by ovarian vein > IVC or renal vein
nerve supply from ovarian plexus
i) what is found in the ovarian follicle? what support cell is also found here?
ii) what happens within the follicle?
iii) what type of oocyte is released during ovulation? what type of follicle does it come from?
iv) what phase of mitosis is this oocyte arrested in? which meiotic division?
v) what do the remains of the follicle form? what does this secrete? what does this allow?
vi) what cells secrete androgens and what converts these to oestrogen?
i) follicle contains primary oocyte and hormone producing support cells
ii) within the follicle - the oocyte matures before being released for fertilisation
iii) secondary oocyte is released during ovulation and comes from a graffian follicle
iv) secondary oocyte is arrested in metaphase in the second meiotic division
v) remains of the follicle form the corpus luteum and this secretes progesterone to maintain a pregnancy
vi) theca cells in the follicle secrete androgens and granulosa convert these to oestrogen
i) what is its function?
ii) how many cm long is it and how many parts is it divided into? name each part
iii) what usually occurs in the uterine tube?
iv) VAN?
v) label parts of the tube A-D

i) to conduct the oocyte
ii) 10cm long and divided into four parts
1) infundibulum (has fimbrae), 2) ampulla, 3) isthmus, 4) uterine/intermurial (enters uterine cav)
iii) fertilisation usually occurs in the uterine tube
iv) veins = uterine and ovarian veins
arteries = uterine and ovarian arteries
nerves = symp from ovarian and psym from pelvic splanhnic
v) A = infundibulim, B = ampulla, C = isthmus, D = uterine
i) what is its two main functions?
ii) what makes up the upper 2/3 and the bottom 1/3?
iii) how does the uterine cavity communicate with the vagina?
iv) name the three layers of the uterine wall and what each does
v) which two arteries supply it?
vi) what is the sym and psym innervation?
i) site of implant of fert egg and foetal development
ii) body of uterus is upper 2/3 and bottom 1/3 is cervix
iii) uterine cavity communicates with vagina through the internal os
iv) perimetrium = outer serous wall covering uterus
myometrium = thick musc later responsible for contractions
endometrium = inner mucous layer - site of implant and thickness changes through the mentstrual cycle
v) supp by uterine and vaginal arteries
vi) sym = hypogastric plexus
psym = pelvic splanchnic nerves
i) what is the normal position of the uterus considered to be? which way to the fundus and body point?
ii) how is the uterus usally angled relative to the vagina?
iii) in what % of women is the uterus retroverted?
iv) which structure does the body of the uterus normally lay on top of?
i) normal = anteverted
- fundus and body point forward
ii) uterus normally angled forward relative to vagina
iii) 20% women have retroverted uterus
iv) uterine body usually lays on top of the superior part of the bladder
i) what attaches the uterus to the ovary?
ii) which ligament connects the uterus and the labia majora? what is this the anatomical remain of?
iii) where does the broad ligament run?
iv) which ligament connects the cervix to the pelvic wall?
v) which areas have potential for infection or excess fluid to collect?
vi) what does the a) mesosalphinx go around and b) the mesovarium go around? what ligament are they a part of?
i) ovarian ligament
ii) uterus to labia = round ligament of uterus
- anatomical remain of gubernaculum
iii) broad ligament runs all around (covers all uterine body, tube and ovary)
iv) transverse cervical ligament connects the cervix to pelvic wall
v) peritoneal pouches have potential for infection/fluid
- vesicouterine
- rectouterine (pouch of douglas)
vi) mesosalphinx goes round the uterine tube
mesovarium goes round the ovary
- both parts of the broad ligament
label A-F

A = broad ligament B = rectouterine pouch = pouch of douglas C = vesicouterine pouch D = round ligament E = ligament of ovary F = mesovarium
i) what are the two narrowings called? what does each communicate with?
ii) what does it comprise of that supports the developing foetus?
iii) what is the lumen called?
iv) label diagram A and B

i) internal os = communicates with uterus
external os = communicates with vagina
ii) muscular layer supports foetus
iii) lumen = cervical canal
iv) A = internal os
B = external os
i) name three functions
ii) what are the two recesses called?
iii) what does it open into inferiorly?
iv) label diagram A and B

i) canal for menstrual fluid, birth canal, recieves penis/ejaculate
ii) anterior and posterior fonix
iii) opens into the vestibule inferior
iv) A = posterior fornix
B = anterior fornix
i) which main artery branches to supply the ovary/uterus/vagina?
ii) name four branches
iii) label diagram

i) internal iliac
ii) vaginal, ovarian (gonadal), int pudental, uterine
iii) A = ovarian, B = int iliac, C = vaginal, D = uterine
E = int pudendal
i) name the six components
ii) what is the clitoris? how many parts is it made of?
iii) what is the bulb of the vestibule? which muscle does it overlay?
iv) what gland secretes mucus for sex?
v) what encloses the vestibule and clitoris?
vi) what is the arterial supply/venous drainage/nerve supply (2) to the ext genitalia
vii) label diagram A-C

i) made of the mons pubis, labia majora, labia menora, clitoris, bulb of vestibule, vestibular glands
ii) clitoris is an erectule organ - 3 parts = root, body, head
iii) bulb of vestibule is also erectile tissue
- overlays the bulbospongiosus muscle
iv) vestibular organ secretes mucus for sex
v) labia menora encloses the vestibule and the clitoris
vi) artery = pudendal
vein = pudendal
nerve = branches of genitofemoral and pudendal eg dorsal nerve of the clitoris
vii) A = glans clitoris, B = bulb of vestibule, C = vestibular gland
i) how many grams does the uterus expand from 50g to?
ii) which structure does the uterus expand up to?
iii) what is increased as centre of gravity is altered?
iv) which two joints relax?
v) which way are the ovaries and uterine tubes displaced as the uterus expands? what happens to the cervic?
i) 50g to 950g
ii) uterus expands up to xiphisternum
iii) altered centre of gravity = increased lumbar lordosis
iv) sacroiliac and pubic symphysis relax
v) ovaries and ut tubes are displaced laterally and cercix softens/swells
i) what are the gonads?
ii) name five internal ducts
iii) name two components of the external genitalia
iv) what are the three principle funcs of the male genital system?
v) label diagram

i) testis
ii) efferent ductles, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate, urethra
iii) scrotum and penis
iv) produce spermatozoa, produce androgens, facilitate fertilisation
v) A = seminal vesicle, B = vas deferens, C = prostate, D = urethra
i) how long and thick is each one?
ii) which region do they begin in at week 12? at what week do they arrive at the scrotum?
iii) in the adult - what are they suspended by in the scrotum?
iv) what is VAN?
v) label diagram A-D

i) 4cm and 2-3cm thick
ii) begin in lumbar region at week 12 and arrive in the scrotum at week 32
iii) suspended by the spermatic cord
iv) artery - testicular artery
vein - pampiniform pleuxus
nerve - spermatic plexus
v) A = seminiferous tubules, B = rete testes, C = epididymus,
D = vas deferens
i) where is sperm produced?
ii) where does sperm then travel - is this tube straight or curled?
iii) what are the ducts leaving the testis called?
iv) what is involved in transport and storage of sperm?
v) which part is a thin muscular tube around 45cm long?
vi) what does coiling of the path allow?
i) in the seminiferous tubules
ii) then to rete testes (straight)
iii) efferent ductules
iv) epididymis involved in transport and storage of sperm
v) vas deferens is a thin muscular tube
vi) coiling of the path allows sperm maturation
i) approx how many lobules is each teste divided into? what do these contain?
ii) what is the SNT function?
iii) what are SNT covered by and which two cell types do they contain?
iv) where are leydig cells housed?
v) which cells stretch from the basal lamina to the lumen?
vi) give five roles of sertoli cells
i) 250 - contain SNTs
ii) produce spermatozoa
iii) covered by connective tissue that contains fibroblasts and myoid cells
iv) leydig cells are housed in the outer connective tissue
v) sertoli cells stretch from basal lamina to lumen and are ep supporting cells
vi) sertoli cells - protect sparmatozoa from antibodies, provide nutrients, phago excess cytoplasm, secrete androgen binding prot/inhibin, add fluid to the lumen
i) what is it continuous with? what does it join with to form the ejaculatory duct? where does this occur
ii) name five things the spermatic cord contains
iii) which ring of the inguinal canal does the VD pass through first?
iv) does it run posterior or ant to the bladder? what structure does it cross over here?
v) what is its function?
vi) VAN?
i) continuous with the epididymis and joins the duct of the seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct after its run along back of bladder
ii) spermatic cord = vas deferens, testicular/lymphatic vessels, cremaster muscle, nerves
iii) passes through superficial ing ring first then deep ing ring
iv) runs posterior to bladder where it crosses over the ureter
v) func = enables movement of sperm from testis to urethra for deposit into female tract
vi) arteries and veins = inferior vesicle (lower bladder) and middle rectal (rectum)
i) which gland secretes alkaline fluid + fructose + coagulant? what does it sit inferior to?
ii) which gland is located at the base of the bladder and secretes fluid? what % of ejaculate does this make up?
iii) which glands are pea sized and have secretion that helps lubricate ducts?
i) seminal vesicles - sit inferior to the rectovesical pouch
ii) prostate - makes up 20% of ejac
iii) bulbourethral glands
i) what are they bound by? what affects the height and secretion of the epithelium?
ii) where are they located in relation to the bladder? what do they join to become the ejaculatory duct?
iii) name five things they secrete - what is the function of these secretions?
iv) what happens when the muscular wall is stimulated by sympathetic innervation?
v) which arteries supply them (2)
i) bound by adentitia and androgens affect the height and secretion of the epithelium
ii) located at the posterior aspect of the bladder and join the vas deferens to become the ejac duct
iii) secrete fructose, amino acids, ascorbic acid, citic acid, prostaglandins that nourish the spermatozoa
iv) symp innervation causes smooth muscle to contracts and expels fluid = ejaculation
v) inferior vesicle and prostatic vessels supply
i) 2/3 glandular and 1/3 what?
ii) where do the prostatic ducts open into
iii) what is the function?
iv) VAN? (sym and psym)
v) is the ejaculate acid or alkaline? what two things does it contain
i) largest accessory gland
2/3 glandular and 1/3 fibromuscular
ii) prostatic ducts open into the prostatic urethra
iii) supports sperm and makes 20% of ejac fluid
iv) prostatic arteries and veins
sym = inferior hypogastric
psym = pelvic splanchnic
v) alkali - cont enzymes and zinc
i) what do they open into?
ii) which sphincter are they located in?
iii) what is their function?
iv) blood supply? (2)
v) what % of ejaculate does it contribute to?
i) open into spongy urethra
ii) located in external urethral sphincter
iii) lubricate urethra by secreting alkaline fluid just before ejac (gets rid of urine)
iv) inferior vesicle and prostatic vessels
v) 1%
i) what three parts does it consist of?
ii) what three cylindrical bodies does it consists of?
iii) VAN(3)?
iv) label diagram A-D

i) root, body, glans
ii) 2xcorpus cavernosum and 1x corpus spongiosum
iii) arteries = internal pudendal
veins = external pudendal
nerve = S2/S3 pudendal nerve, dorsal nerve to penis and ilioinguinal nerve
iv) A = dorsal artery/vein, B = deep artery/vein, C = c cavernosum, D = c spongiosium
i) what is each cavernous body encapsulated by? what is it made of?
ii) what does the interior of each cav body contain? what are they lined with?
iii) which body contains the urethral orifice which allows passage of urine and sperm?
i) tunica albuginea - tough fibrous sheath
ii) cav body contains vascular spaces which are lined by endothelium with dense fibroelas tissue and smooth muscle
iii) spongiosum contains the urethral orifice and allows urine and sperm to pass
i) name three parts
ii) label A, B and C

i) prostatic, membranous and penile
A = prostatic, B = membranous, C = penile
i) which arteries allow shunting when there is no stimulation? where does this stop blood supply going?
ii) what happens when increased psym supply arrives? (2)
iii) what does increased pressure in erectile tissue also increase?
iv) what is emission? (2) what type of nerve activity does this result from?
v) what happens at ejaculation?
vi) what nerve supply needs to be inhibited to allow penis to return to flaccid state?
i) deep arteries allow shunting in flaccid state and stop blood from moving into vascular spaces in corpora
ii) psym supply = increases blood supply and diverts it to vascular spaces (allows erection)
iii) increased press in erectile tissue also allows increased venous return
iv) emission is when semen is delivered to the prostatic urethra and prostatic fluid is added
- results from symp activity
v) ejac = semen expelled through urethra
vI) need to inhibit symp supply to return to flaccid state