L2 Births, deaths, pops Flashcards
LO2: define CBR, GFR, TPFR, and underst diffs. disc main determinants of fertility.
- crude birth rate=no live births per 1000 pop cert time. use to desc impact of births on pop.
- gen fert rate= no live births per 1000 fem 15-44y. to comp fertil of fert fem pops.
- tot period fert rate= av no kids born to wom if exper age specif rates through life. adj for diff no’s of each age. to comp fertil of fert fems wo infl of age grp struc. TPFR= sum of age specif fert rates. propor ie 0.0034 births per 15yo. so no in each age not mett. TPFR=2 for E&W 2010. if less than 2 pop not repl, need 2.1 as not ev child reaches fertil period.
- determs of fert- fecundity= phys abil repro, decr by steril and hysterec. fertil= realisat of this poten as birth, incr by sex and econ clim, decr by contracep and abort.
LO1: desc feats and relev of pop census.
- census= simult rec of demog data by gov at partic time pertaining to all persons living in partic territ. descs both households and peop.
- feats- gov run and law. defined area. personal enumerat. simult. univ cov. reg intervs.
- info gives- pop size for calc rates. pop struc for service needs. pop chars eg meas of depriv eg unempl, overcrowd, lone pensioners, sing par, lack basic amenities.
- why need- pop-calc loc and health auth grants, plan services. health- age and socioecon demog and gen health, lt illn, carers helps plan halth and soc services and alloc resources. housing- meas inadeq and need for more. empl- gov and business plan jobs and train policies and investm decis. transp- commute, avail cars, plann roads and pub transp. ethnic grps- ext and nat of disadv, succ of eq opps, alloc resource and plan progs to acc needs of minorities.
LO3: desc derivat and uses of mort data.
- death cert by doc, regist by informant 5d.
- CDR= no deaths/1000 pop.
- ASDR= no deaths/1000 iin age grp.
- stand mort ratio=comp obs no deaths with expec if age sex distrib of pops was ident. adjs for age sex distrib.
- why ONS collect- calssif cause of death. anal patts in mort rates ie male vs fem, aging pop. id health probs. inform service needs. data for plann, pub healthmonit, reasearch and as outcome indicator for health care.
LO4: desc vars aff pop estims and projecs.
- pop estim= apply whats known about B, D and M to the present. wrong eg miss homeless in census.pop estims dep on mig.
- pop projec= future orient estims. addit assumps about B, D and M in fut. B/fertil diffic to predic as dterm by soc behav. D easier as know dis prev, predic trends. mig flucs. pop projec dep on mig and fertil rate.