L19 Upper Limb Prothetics Flashcards
an artificial device to replace a missing or impaired
part of the body
the field of study or specialty concerned with the design, construction of fitting of prostheses
Of or relating to a prosthesis or prosthetics
prosthetic limb
Persons with amputations:
- 1.6 million persons with amputation in the United States in 2005.
- 35% with loss or deficiency of the upper extremity.
- Approximatively 2.2 million amputees in 2020.
- 2.4% of all the wounded in the Iraq and Afghanistan (OIF/OEF) conflicts have
had a traumatic amputation - Each year there are 185,000 amputations that have a
cost of over 8.3 billion dollars - Main causes for these amputations are vascular
diseases that take up 54 percent of the amputee
population and 45 percent of the causes are due to trauma. - # of amputations due to diabetes increased by 24%from 1988 to 2009
- Traditional lower limb prostheses: $5,000 to $50,000
- Traditional upper limb prosthesis: $3,000 to $30,000
Leading Causes of Upper Extremity Amputations
- Trauma
- Congenital deficiency
- Tumor
- Disease
Amputation Levels
- Transradial amputation: below the elbow: long,
medium, short - Transhumeral amputation: above the elbow – typical length, 50-90% of humeral length
- Shoulder, elbow, or wrist disarticulation
- Finger, partial hand
Successful prosthesis
- Comfortable
- Easy to don/doff
- Lightweight
- Durable
- Cosmetically pleasing
- Functions well
- Reasonable maintenance
- Motivates individual
Components of an Upper Limb Prosthesis
- Suspension
- Socket Design
- Alignment
- Terminal Devices: hooks, hands, specialties
- Wrist units, elbow units, shoulder units
- Control: body-powered, myoelectric, hybrid
Component Selection
- Patient’s Limb: skin, muscle function, tolerance
- Amputation level
- Type of trauma or injury: frostbite, land mines, congenital
- Gender, age
- Developed or developing countries
- Occupation
- Leisure activities
- Cost/Reimbursement
Basic Types of Upper Limb Prostheses
- Body powered prosthesis
- Myoelectric prosthesis
- Hybrid System
- Activity specific
Terminal Devices - Non prehensile
touching feeling, pressing down with fingers, tapping, lifting, pushing
Terminal Devices - Prehensile
precision grip – pincher grip, lateral grip, hook power grip
Terminal Devices - Active
hooks, functional hands, activity specific
Terminal Devices - Passive
cosmetic hands
Body powered
Voluntary Opening (VO):
* Practical
* In closed position, by springs
* User pulls the cable to open
* Prehensile force – from spring
Voluntary Closing (VC):
* Physiological
* In open position
* User pulls the cable to close
* Prehensile force – from patient
* Greater proprioceptive inpu