L19: Hedgehog and Wnt signalling Flashcards
Discovery of segment polarity in Drosophila
- Nusslein-Volhard and Wieschaus screened mutagenased Drosophila to identify mutations that acted on particular aspects of dev
- Wt larvae have denticles on anterior half, smooth on posterior half
- Identified a grp of mutants that affected the patterning within the segments but left the number of segments unaltered (Hedgehog and wingless)
Basics of the Hh in Drosophila
- 3 Hhs in vertebrates (Sonic, Indian, Desert)
- Secreted signalling proteins
- Modified by cleavage and addition of cholesterol to N-terminal region (processing is autocatalytic)
-> inactive precursor
Processing of Hh
- Cleavage occurs between Glycine-257 and Cysteine-258
- Sulphur on Cysteine side chain attacks peptide bond, converts into thioester
- Hydroxyl grp on Cholesterol can then form an ester bond -> completes cleavage
- Palmitoyl fatty acid addition to N-terminus makes Hh hydrophobic at both ends, embedded in cell membrane
-> restricts activity to immediately adjacent cells
How do wg and hh interact?
- 2-way induction
- Wingless’s role is to switch on expression of hedgehog in the adjacent stripe
- Parasegment boundary found between the two segments; tethered Hh induces diffusible Wg in the adjacent cell
- Ensures adjacent stripes at the crucial stage where the segment boundaries must be demarcated (accommodates movement of cells in and out of the boundary while still maintaining the demarcation)
Role of Dispatched protein
- Extracts Hh from PM (NOT cleavage; cholesterol intact)
- Other partners required to aid its diffusion
Hh receptor
- Patched (Ptc); 12 pass TM protein, inhibits Hh response
-> KO of Ptc activities activates Hh response
-> known to indirectly involve Smoothened rec.
Hh signalling pathway - in absence of Hh
- Ptc acts to sequester Smo in membrane bound vesicles in cytosol to be degraded
- Ci phosph. by PKA (part of Ci/Cos2/Fu complex bound to m.tubs)
- Allows Slimb to recognise pCi, Ci75 (75 KDa) released after targeting for degradation by proteosome
-> binds target gene, represses tr.
Hh signalling pathway - in presence of Hh
- Hh ligands binds and inhibits Ptc; Smo not sequestered, can move to PM
- Cos2/Fu recruited by C-terminal of Smo, dissociating from m.tubs
- Ci released, not phosh. by PKA
-> Full length Ci binds CBP and activates expression
Induction of neural fates by Shh (in the formation of the Nervous System)
- NS forms from ectoderm overlying the notochord; folds to make the neural tube in a process called neurulation
- Notochord secrets Shh; Shh induces floor plate
- Floor plate secretes Shh…
HIGH: Motoneurons
MED: V2 interneurons
LOW: V1 interneurons - Process can be recapitulated in neural tube explant culture
Hh and cancer
- Basal cell carcinoma
- Misregulation results in over-proliferation in basal layer of skin
- Excess in Hh
- As Ptc1 inhibits Hh signalling it must act as a tumour suppressor (heterozygous ptc mutations lead to BCC)
-> potential for anti-cancer drugs that target Hh signalling pathway - NOT very deadly
Wnt general structure
- Small secreted signalling protein; amalgamation of Wg and Int
- Conserved cysteine (intra-chain disulphide bonds), conserved serine (pamitoleate attachment by Porcupine)
- Modified w/ hydrophobic fatty acid
Wnt signalling in absence of Wnt
- GSK3/APC/Axin scaffold phosph. b-catenin
- Targeted for degradation by Slimb (complete, NOT partial)
- TCF in nucleus binds DNA, represses targets
Wnt signalling in presence of Wnt
- Wnt binds Frizzled and Lrp; conformational change -> phosph. of Lrp
- Becomes high affinity binding partner for Axin sequestering it and dissociating the complex
-> no degradation of b-catenin as GSK3 is not phosph. - b-Catenin translocates to nucleus, binds TCF -> repressor to activator
Evidence of Wnt in NK centre induction
- Adding b-catenin mRNA to the ventral side of vegetal region
-> 2nd NK centre and duplicated axis of development
Wnt signalling in cancer
- Overexpression of Wnts can cause cancer
- APC is a tumour suppressor; heterozygotes develop large numbers of polyps in colon
- Mutations which prevent b-catenin degradation found in colon cancer and melanoma
- V. deadly type of cancer
ISC function (and maintenance by MCs)
- Colon is an epithelium maintained by ISCs
- Crypt; Intestinal stem cells sit at bottom, divide infrequently, producing ‘transit amplifying cells’ (found in proliferative zone)
-> new cells pushed up from the base, old cells lost form top of crypt - Mesenchymal cells surround epithelium (mesodermal origin); maintain ISC population by producing Wnt and BMP)
Formation of polyps (Wnt signalling mutation in colon)
- APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) mediates destruction of b-catenin
- Loss of APC results in excess Wnt
- LOH of APC in patients w/ null allele
-> no b-catenin degradation, over-proliferation of TACs, large no.s of pre-cancerous polyps in colon - Also produced by mutations in b-catenin that prevent degradation of APC
Holoprosencephaly and Shh
- Deficiency in Shh signalling pathway
- Embryonic forebrain fails to sufficiently divide
-> single-lobed brain structure, severe skull and facial defects
Notum in Wnt signalling
(Kakugawa et al.)
- Notum inhibits Wnt signalling; removes acyl group which is crucial in binding to Frizzled rec.