L19-20 Thermal physiology Flashcards
Define Q10, the measure of temperature sensitivity
Define and explain the differences between the 4 major mechanisms of heat exchange in a vertebrate
Define the components that comprise the total heat content of a vertebrate. Explain the formula fo the calculation of body heat
Define and know the physical isolation of, the vertebrate thermostat. Understand the process of fever and how this relates to regulation of body temperature.
Explain the difference between a homeothermic animal and a poikilothermic animal. Justify why these classifications are sometimes inappropriate when describing the thermal biology of the vertebrate.
Describe the basis for the term ‘heterotherm’,and be able to describe the hear relationship of a regional heterotherm and a temporal heterotherm.
Explain the process of countercurrent heat exchange.
Explain why water is an effective means of heat dispersion.
Explain the thermo-physiological differences between an endothermic animal and an ectothermic animal.
Be able to provide an example of body temperature regulation of an ectotherm
Provide examples of adaptations for endotherms living in a cold or a hot environment
Define what is meant by the critical thermal maximum in ectotherms
Define the terms thermoneutral zone, lower critical temperature (LCT) and upper critical temperature (UCT)
Explain and justify the changes that occur in endotherm metabolic rate and body temperature when temp go below the LCT or above UCT.
Describe two major physiological processes that occur to increase hear production in cold environments for endothermic vertebrate.