L18C-19D. Management of UL function after stroke Flashcards
What are 3 features of training for the uper limb?
Train concurrently. Train top down & bottom up.
- Train everyday tasks that matter
- Generic
- Specific to the individual tasks
- Train activities critical to those task
- Support, reach, grasp and release, manipulation
- Address underlying impairments
- Anticipate and prevent secondary adaptations
- Motor, sensory, perceptual, motor planning
What are 6 managements of secondary impairments of the upper limb?
- Get arm & hand active!
- Provide support where necessary: Strapping, shoulder or wrist supports, wheelchair gutters
- Wheelchair gutter provides active support, prevents secondary shoulder subluxation
- Anticipate and prevent muscle length issues: Contractures or lengthening
- Get muscle activity however you can
- Use arm in vulnerable ranges: e.g. EOR ER, elbow E
- Adapt flexibility habits
- Prevent learned non-use
- Force use
- Pain management
What are 2 flexibility habits of upper limb retraining?
- Be in positions that do not promote spasticity or contractures.
- Have a few different positions to alternate through the day, so the arms do not stay in F pattern.
What are 3 management of shoulder subluxation for upper limb retraining?
- 7-80% of post-stroke patients have shoulder subluxation. This is linked with paralysis.
- Cannot reduce subluxation once occurred, thus prevention is paramount.
- Start prevention ASAP
What are 2 evidence for management of shoulder subluxation for upper limb retraining?
Electrical stimulation of supraspinatus & posterior deltoid
- 1-6 hours/day, 5-7 days/week, motor contraction
External support recommended: e.g. Gutter armrest, firm supportive sling
- Shoulder support sling relocates HOH in GHJ (weak evidence)
- FES stimulates muscles to stabilise HOH in GHJ
- Depends on where you work, they might use sling or FES
- Collar & cup?
What is an electrical stimulation as evidence for management of shoulder subluxation for upper limb retraining?
Electrical stimulation of supraspinatus & posterior deltoid
- 1-6 hours/day, 5-7 days/week, motor contraction
What is an electrical support as evidence for management of shoulder subluxation for upper limb retraining?
recommended: e.g. Gutter armrest, firm supportive sling
- Shoulder support sling relocates HOH in GHJ (weak evidence)
- FES stimulates muscles to stabilise HOH in GHJ
- Depends on where you work, they might use sling or FES
- Collar & cup?
What are the 5 managements for shoulder pain for upper limb retraining?
- Lacking strong evidence for management
- Taping: Skin integrity issue? Use fixomoll. Probably try other things first.
- Electrical stimulation
- Prevent trauma (handling, slings, education)
Pain reducing techniques: Acute pain management
- Manual therapy (e.g. Mobilisation in neutral HOH up & down, up to grade 3)
- Heat is better than ice
- Pain medications
What are 3 essential components missing in a task when training in the management of UL muscles?
- Elicit muscle activity
- Strength training
- Dexterity: Speed, accuracy
- Driven by goals
- Functional context
What are 7 methods of elicitig muscle activity when retraining the upper limb?
- Demo with unaffected side, guide movement
- Manual facilitation
- Approximation to activate extensors
- Sweep-tapping
- Depending on muscle groups
- Stabilise non-moving joints proximal/distal (e.g. air splint) and demand activity in key muscles
- Serratus, external rotators, anterior deltoid, triceps, supinator, wrist extensors, finger flexors
- IR is always active (pecs) - do not want more IR
- Make the task easy: Gravity-minimised positions, friction-free surfaces.
- Make the task specific: Targets, guides, feedback
- High repetition, record reps especially early stage.
- Use FES, mental imagery if flaccid paralysis.
How can you elicite protraction when in sidelying when retraining the upper limb?
Sidelying: Bedex
How can you elicite protraction when in supine when retraining the upper limb?
Supine: Reach up
How can you elicite protraction when in sitting when retraining the upper limb?
At desk
How can you elicite protraction in the earlier stages when retraining the upper limb?
Need to make protraction easier and limit compensatory movements (shoulder add + IR + elbow F + wrist F + fingers F)
Need target as feedback
How do you elicit shoulder flexion when retraining the upper limb?
- Shoulder F: Stand beside a wall, move arm back and forth on paper
- Pen records distance
How do you elicit shoulder horizontal abduction/adduction when retraining the upper limb?
- Shoulder horizontal F/E: Stand facing a wall, move arm left and right on paper
- Pen records distance
How do you elicit shoulder external rotation when retraining the upper limb?
- Hand slides on paper in shoulder ER
- Cup is target
How do you elicit wrist extension when retraining the upper limb?
- Usually sitting - see movement
- Eccentric > holding > concentric
- Gravity-minimised to use gravity
- Paper to bring home to get set up and instructions correct
- Bendy straws taped to wrist as feedback
Paper has instruction Keep forearm still, wrist E to reach target
How do you elicit thumb abduction when retraining the upper limb?
- Bendy straws taped to wrist as feedback to prevent compensatory movement
- Compensatory movements: Pronation + thumb abd
- Very small movements
- Need to be precise
- Set up for home practice
- Keep arm still, move thumb to touch green cup
- Bendy straw taped on wrist prevents wrist E
- Shampoo bottle prevents pronation
What are 8 features of muscle strength training when retraining the upper limb?
- Eccentric > isometric > concentric
- Mid-range > all range
- May need to start with a very small range
- Work in appropriate positions
- Increase repetitions, frequency, load
- Power: Vary reaction time, speed and timing
- Sustain force
Introduce task specific strengthening
- Part practice
- Whole task
What are 8 features of independent exercises when retraining the upper limb?
- Start small. Set achievable tasks to ensure success.
- Patient to count number of reps
- Work individual muscles - stabilize distal & proximal joints
- Ensure exercises can be done on ward safely
- e.g. Sitting in chair/wheelchair, lying in bed
- Provide equipment for exercises
- Suitable table for closed chain reaching
- Theraband or weights
- Mirror box
What are examples of strengthening triceps when retraining the upper limb?