L17- Vaccines Flashcards
What is immunisation?
A procedure designed to increase concentrations of antibodies and/or effector T cells which are protective against infectious agents and cancer
What is immunoprophylaxis?
Immunisation performed before exposure to infectious organisms (to prevent disease developing in healthy individuals)
What is immunotherapy?
Immunisation performed during an infection (or cancer) intended to treat existing disease by strengthening the body’s natural antimicrobial/viral or anti-tumour response
What is a vaccine?
A preparation of a pathogen that is used to establish immunity ,by stimulating the body’s own immune system to protect against infections, without causing disease or adverse toxicity
What is the vaccine used for smallpox?
Bovine analalog of smallpox that causes cowpox but can provide protective immunity against smallpox in humans without risk of significant disease
What are the requirements for an effective vaccine?
- Provides host defence at the point of entry of the infectious agent
- Safe (low level toxicity is unacceptable)
- Must produce protective immunity in a high proportion of people it is given to
- Cost-effective
- Long-lasting and appropriate immunological memory
What is the mechanism of action of a vaccine?
- Phagocytosed by an APC
- APC activates T cells to become CD4+ cells
- CD4+ cells activate B cells
- B cells divide into memory and plasma cells (Abs)- secondary immune response
What is herd immunity?
Vaccination of a significant portion of a population (herd) provides a measure of protection for individuals who have not developed immunity.
• Lowering the number of susceptible members of a population reduces the probability of infection transmission
What are the mechanisms of immunisation?
- Passive- individual gains protective antibodies from another who has produced them
- Active immunisation- can be achieved through natural infection by a pathogen or artificially via vaccines
How does passive immunity occur at birth?
Occurs naturally by transfer of maternal antibodies (IgG) across the placenta or in breast milk.
Allows protection against= diptheria, mumps, measles for first 6 months of life
What does injection with preformed antibodies protect against?
What does injection with humanised monoclonal antibodies protect against?
Respiratory syncytial virus
What does injection with antitoxins protect against with?
Snake/spider bite
What is an adjuvant?
A chemical substance that can be added to a vaccine in order to enhance the immune response to the vaccine.
Purified antigens are not normally immunogenic on their own and most acellular vaccine require the addition of an adjuvant
What is immunogenicity?
Immunogenicity is the ability of a foreign substance, such as an antigen, to provoke an immune response in the body of a human or other animal.