L16: Autism spectrum disorders Flashcards
What did Grunya Sukhareva do?
first person to publish list of autism traits in 1925
What do autistic people have difficulties with in socio-emotional reciprocity
- working co-operatively
- sharing enjoyment and interets with others
What do autistic people have difficulties with in relationships?
- developing
- maintaining
- understanding
What do autistic people have difficulties in within communicative behaviours?
- jokes and sarcasm
- social use of language
- literal interpretation
- body language, facial expressions and gestures
List 2 language development issues in autism
- lack or delayed onset of speech
- gramatical structure is more rigid in ASD than in TD
List 3 issues with speech development in autism
- unusual or odd sounding prosody
- less social and communicative competence
- prosody could become a stigmatising barrier to social acceptance
List 4 RRBs in DSM5
- highly restricted, fixated interests
- stereotypical use of speech
- insistence to sameness and ritualized patterns of verbal and non-verbal behaviours
- hyper/hypo reactivity to sensory input
Why can sensory sensitivities be an issue in autistic people?
They can interfere with functions of daily life and could hinder the development of communication skills
What are sensory sensitivites associated with?
- social and emotional skills
- anxiety levels
- behavioural functions
List 3 points of autism diagnosis
- symptoms must be present in the early develomental period
- symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other areas of functioning
- Intellectual disability and ASD frequently co-occur; to make comorbid diagnoses of ASD and intellectual disability
What is the level 1 security level of ASD?
requiring support
What is the level 2 security level of ASD?
requiring substantial support
What is the level 3 security level of ASD?
requiring very substantial support
List 3 social communications in the LVL1 security level
- without support social communication cause noticeable impairments
- difficulty initiating social interactions
- may have decreased interest in social interactions
List 3 RRBs associated with the LVL1 security level
- inflexiblity of behaviour causes interference with functioning
- difficulty in switching between activities
- problems of organisation and planning
List 3 social communication issues in the LVL2 security level
- marked deficits in verbal and nonverbal social communication skills
- social impairments apparent
- limited initation of social interactions and reduced abnormal responses to social overtures from others