L15 - Monopoly Flashcards
What is a monopoly?
When there is one large seller of a particular good or service with market share of 25% or more
What are the assumptions?
1) Monopolist is a price maker:
A seller sells more when its price is lower: its
demand curve slopes downwards
The seller’s output choice does not trigger a reaction from competitors (if there are any)
2) High barriers to Entry/Exit
3) Its product is unique
That is, it is differentiated so much so that it has no
close rivals
4) Many buyers who are are price takers & buyers and sellers have complete information
Where does a Monopolist achieve supernormal profits?
Where AC = AR
What is Producer and Consumer Surplus?
the difference between the amount consumers are willing to pay for the good and what they actually pay
The difference between the price of a good
and what price producers are willing to supply it
What happens in Monopoly when MR is positive?
Then TR rises with extra unit of output.
What happens in Monopoly when MR is negative?
Then TR falls with extra unit of output
What happens in a monopoly when producing an extra unit of output?
1) Increases the amount of units sold
2) Lowers prices which units are sold (Indicating why MR below AR)
What does total welfare in a monopoly look like