L15: Controlling protein synthesis Flashcards
Protein synthesis is energetically expensive
Activation: each AA requires ATP. ATP -> AMP + 2 PPi (energetically equivalent to 2ATP -> 2ADP + 2Pi)
Elongation: binding of EF-Tu requires GTP: equivalent to 1ATP-> 1ADP + 1Pi. Translocation (EF-G) requires GTP: 1ATP -> 1ADP + 1Pi
Ribosomes (eukaryote)
Composed of RNA & protein
80S ribosome: composed of 2 subunits (60S and 40S)
Attached to cytosolic face of ER
Larger than prokaryotic
Molecular components for peptide chain initiation
40S and 60S ribosomal subunits
A set of proteins: eukaryotic initiation factors
Comparisons of molecular components for peptide chain initiation to prokaryotes
Eukaryotic protein synthesis more complex than prokaryotic
Initiator tRNA carries Met and functions only in initiation- it is called tRNAiMet but is formylated
Initiation factors in Eukaryotic protein synthesis
Over 12 (more than prokaryotic)
Focus on eIF2: facilitates binding of initiating Met-tRNAMet to 40S ribosomal subunit
Post-transcriptional modifications
5’ terminal 7methyl-GTP cap: enhances stability of mRNAs by preventing degradation by 5’exonucleases. Essential for mRNA binding by eukaryotic ribosomes
3’terminal poly(A) tail: poly(A) tail enhances stability of eukaryotic mRNAs. Assists in transport out of nucleus. Involved in initiation of protein synthesis
Eukaryotic initiation complex
Post-transcriptional modifications involved: 5’ terminal 7methyl-GTP cap & 3’-terminal poly(A) tail
Circularisation of mRNA at eukaryotic initiation complex
Multiple eukaryotic initiation factors
Poly(A) binding protein
40S subunit
Features of peptide chain initiation in eukaryotes
- Binding of eiFs to 40S subunit
- Formation of 43S preinitiation complex -> binding of Met-tRNAMet
- 48S preinitiation complex -> binding of mRNA with eiF
- Scanning to find first AUG (start) codon
- Binding of 60S subunit-> GTPase activity -> loss of initiation factors bound to 40S subunit
Inhibitors of protein synthesis
Binds at A site of both prokaryotic & eukaryotic ribosomes
Accept peptide chain from P site
Terminate protein synthesis
Caused by Corynebacterium diptheriae, a facultative anaerobic, Gram +ve
Contagious: spread by physical contact or breathing aerosols
Fatality rates between 5-10%
Largely eradicated by vaccination in industrialised countries
Toxin: ADP-ribosylation occurs on elongation factor 2
Regulating activity of protein
- Initiation of transcription
- Post-transcriptional processing
- mRNA stability m
- Translational regulation
- Post-translational modification
- Protein transport
- Protein degradation
Muscles can respond to changes in protein turnover
Hypertrophy. Protein synthesis > protein breakdown
Protein synthesis < protein breakdown. Muscle wasting cachexia and aging
Regulation of protein synthesis
Hormones: IGF-1, growth hormone
Mechanism: phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of translational components (dominant mechanism)
Can be activated/inhibited by phosphorylation: 4 IF, 2 elongation factors, ribosomal protein S6
Facilitates binding of initiating Met-tRNAimet to 40S subunit
Phosphorylation of eIF-2 blocks protein synthesis
alpha-subunit phosphorylation controls function of eIF2
Phosphorylation of eIF-2alpha -> bind to eIF-2B and rendering eIF-2 unavailable for protein synthesis
Regulation of translational initiation via phosphorylation of eIF-2alpha
Occurs under number of different conditions: ER stress, AA stress, viral infection, in erythrocytes as consequence of limiting heme