L14 ellipticals Flashcards
elliptical vs spirals dust content ?
spiral—dust (youg blue stars)
E— dust low
ellipticals rotat slowly why?
- not a disk like spirals
- ??????
bcoz vel dispersion was wrongly assumed isotropic
what s faber jackson relation?
distance determination of FJR?
L ~ v_dis ^4
used to calc dist
not acc coz based on lum,
L diff to measure acc– comes form faint outer parts of gal
fundamental plane relation?
measuring in terms of isophates
reason for galaxy flattening?
rotat x
right: vel anisotropy
observed: elliptical rotation slower
wrong prediction bcoz of wrong assumption: isotropy
vel dispersion anisotropic
complete it XXXX
virial th?
relation bw KE n PE of a sys
the total kinetic and the total potential energy have a fixed ratio,
-1/2 in case of a gravitational system.
limitation: applicable only to systems in steady state.
use of virial th?
mass estimate of star cluster/ gal fro non-circular orbit
assume a steady state system
M/L const— brightness I(x) measure of mass
measure the stellar radial velocities Vr relative to the cluster’s mean motion, and find the velocity dispersion σr.
use that n virial th to estimate mass
box vs tube orbit
tube: orbit around 1 of the axis (aka loop: A star on a loop orbit is prevented by its angular momentum from passing through the center, but always circles it in the same sense, keeping a minimum distance.)
box: orbit around 1 of the axis, fills area, passes thorugh center
both found in triaxial sys
evidence of DM in terms of M/L?
calc DM?
M/L larger away from the center
Most of whatever makes up the outer parts of a spiral emits very little light; we call it dark matter.
find M/L for center and outer region, compare w VT