L14-15: Genetic Manipulation in Animals Flashcards
Creation & Applications of Transgenic Animals
Gene function and development: Transgenic drosophila, transgenic frogs and transgenic fish
Bioreactors: Transgenic sheep, transgenic pigs and transgenic cows
Biomedical research: Transgenic mice
Transgenic Mice
Zygote: take stud mice and get female mice pregnant =>produces zygote
- Inject into pronucleus
- Zygote become blastocyte
- Inject some into pseudopregnant mice (think they are pregnant, have the same hormonal levels)
Exogenous DNA =>transfection of primordial germ cells =>sperm&oocyte
ES cells=>cell transfer into blastocyte
Transgenic Animals
Produced by DNA transfer into totipotent or pluripotent embryo cells i.e., fertilized oocytes or pre/post-implantation embryos
Integration in fertilized oocytes produces fully transgenic animal
Integration at a postzygotic stage produce mosaic animal
Step 1 of Transgenic animals:
Pronuclear injection
Superovualted females are mated and sacrificed the next day.
Fertilized oocytes are microinjected with DNA using micromanipulator (microinjection pipette).
Surviving zygotes are re-implanted into the oviduct of foster females
Step 2 of Transgenic animals:
Transfer into embryos
Infection of preimplantation embryos with retrovirus or infection of early post-implantation embryos result in mosaic offspring
Step 3 of Transgenic animals:
Embryonic stem cells provide a route for germline genetic change
- Mouse ES cells are derived from the inner cell mass of 3.5- 4.5 days old embryos.
- ES can be cultured retaining their totipotency.
- ES cells can give rise to all tissues including germ cells, if placed back into a host blastocyst and reimplanted in pseudopregnant mouse.
- The embryo is a chimera. If the two strains of cells are derived from mice with different coat colors then the offspring can be easily distinguished.
- Most important advantage of using ES cells: the desired genetic modification can be confirmed in culture.
- The targeting vector usually has a neo gene which enables positive selection for cells that were successfully targeted.
- Gene targeting by homologous recombination allows for a selective alteration of a single predetermined gene
Transgenic Animals: Applications
- Study of gene expression and its regulation, i.e., reporter constructs –lacZ
- Gene function by targeted gene inactivation.
- Investigating dosage effects and ectopic expression, i.e., over-expression of transgene
- Cell lineage ablation: tissue-expression of toxins such as ricin.
- Investigating gain of function: ex: sry transgene expression in female embryos to produce male offspring.
- Modeling human disease: insertional inactivation or insertion of mutants.
Innovations in Transgenic Technologies (3)
- Inducible promoters: tetracycline-regulated or Tamoxifen-inducible.
- TetR added to tetO =transgene off; remove TetR w doxycycline =on
- Hsp90 attached =inactive; tamoxifen removes Hsp90 =active - YAC transgenes: to study human genes under expression of its promoter and to study large genes.
Application: production of human antibodies in mouse by transferring human YACs containing large segments of human heavy and kappa light chain immunoglobulin loci - Transchromic animals: microcell-mediated chromosome transfer allowed transfer of whole human chromosomes into mouse ES cells
ES Cells in Gene Targeting
- Gene targeting by homologous recombination: gene targeting= artificial site directed in vivo mutagenesis
- Homologous recombination b/w introduced gene and its chromosomal homolog. H.R. is rare in mammalian cells. Frequency of H.R. events is increased if flanking sequence homology is very high (isogenic sequences).
- To identify desired H.R. event, targeting vector should contain marker gene (neo) and can be introduced by electroporation into ES cells.
- Insertional vectors vs replacement vectors
Site Specific Recombination Systems, Cre-LoxP
Tissue and cell type specific knock-outs: conditional KO →some genes are vital for early development.
It involves replacing part of the endogenous gene by a gene segment flanked by LoxP sequences.
Mice carrying this targeted mutation are mated with mice which carried a Cre recombinase transgene under the control of a tissue-specific promoter.
Tissue and cell type specific gene activation:
It involves selective activation of a gene in certain cells… How?
- Mouse with target locus A flanked w LoxP sites crossed w transgenic mouse w Cre genes linked to tissue-specific promoter of interest
- Offspring w floxed target plus Cre transgene –tissue or cell-specific deletion of A at target locus
o Loop and LoxP seq sites line up –remove A and leaves 1 LoxP site
Knock-Ins (2)
1) cDNA
o replaced exon1 with targeted insertion with involves cDNA (has its own polyadenylation sites but also its own promoter)
2) Reporter
o replace 1 allele w lacZ
Chromosome Engineering
It involves integrating loxP sites at the desired chromosomal locations and subsequently Cre expression is used to mediate a selected chromosomal re-arrangement.
- 2 loxP sites in diff chromosomes causes recombination which causes cross of chromosome arms
- loxP facing the same direction =deletion
- if facing each other =inversion
Large Scale approach to study animal gene function
Exposure to radiation or potent chemical mutagens such as ethylnitrosurea (ENU) or ethyl methylsulfonate (EMS).
Males are exposed and their progeny is screened for phenotypic abnormalities. The approach is useful but requires positional cloning to determine the DNA legion.
Insertion of a foreign DNA seq. presents an advantage because it leaves a tag at the site of mutation. It involves random integration (by nonhomologous recombination).
Insertion of reporter transgenes which lack some components required for expression = Gene Trapping. Avoids all the noncoding insertions.
Gene Trapping
Alter gene with splice acceptor sequence =>B-galactosidase
And polyadenylation signal =>neomycin phosphotransferase
Creation of Animal Models of Diseases
Allow for examination of the pathophysiology of disease.
Allow for testing potential therapies.
Some originated spontaneously; others were made by gene targeting.
Differences in disease phenotype b/w human and mice lead to insights on potential therapeutic mechanisms. TSD model.
Spontaneous Animal Models of disease
Germline mutation → inherited disorder
Somatic mutation → Cancer
Examples :
NOD mouse is diabetic (not obese) mimics human insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus.
Mdx mouse exhibits X-linked muscular dystrophy (mutant for dystrophin gene) = Duchenne muscular dystrophy in humans.
SM/J mice mimics type I sialidosis in human. Mutation in promoter of the mouse sialidase gene.
Hemophilic dog has a missense mutation in canine factor IX gene = hemophilia in human.
Modelling of monogenic disorders
knockout mice
Modelling of human cancer
Gain of function: disease is caused by inappropriate inactivation of oncogenes→can be modeled by introducing the oncogene by simple transgene intgration.
Loss of function: diseases caused by inactivation of tumor suppressor genes→can be modeled by KO of TSGs
Modelling Chromosomal disorders
Existing mouse models for human chromosomal disorders are rare. Why?
Insufficient conservation of synteny.
EX: Hm chr21 shares large region of genetics homology with Ms chr16.
However, trisomy 16 in mice is embryonic lethal and does not resemble human trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Pluripotent Stem Cells in Disease Modelling & Drug Discovery
Human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), which are capable of self-renewal and have the potential to differentiate into virtually any cell type, can now help to overcome the limitations of animal models for certain disorders.
Several strategies are used to generate such disease models using either embryonic stem cells (ES cells) or patient-specific induced PSCs (iPSCs), creating new possibilities for the establishment of models and and their use in drug screening.
Generation of Human PSCs carrying Genetic Disorder
Normal conception =>culture ES cells =>gene editing or chromosomal aberration
Take somatic cell (fibroblast) –remove nucleus from oocyte and inject somatic cell into oocyte –nuclear transfer
Somatic cell –defined factors (iPSCs)
Somatic cell –fertilized –PGD or PGS
How can you artificially make animal clones?
Remove a nucleus from a donor cell (derived from an early embryo) then transplant it into an oocyte whose nucleus has previously been removed.
The renucleated oocyte can produce an organism with the nuclear genome of donor individual. This has been long established in frogs.
Unlike embryo cloning, cloning from adult somatic cells seemed remote. Why?
McGarth and Solter reported nuclear transplantation in mouse embryo.
Now nuclear transplantation is done successfully in the eggs of domestic animals including cows and sheep.
Unlike embryo cloning, cloning from adult somatic cells seemed remote. Why?
1. Somatic cells undergo extensive cell divisions and differentiation steps.
2. Genome undergoes irreversible modifications.
Wilmut study
Able to reprogram an adult somatic cell to become totipotent once more.
The donor cells were derived from a mammary gland cell line which was fused with an enucleated metaphase II arrested oocyte.
Total of 434 oocytes submitted to the procedure, only 29 developed to the transferable stage and of these only one developed to term = famous Dolly.
- Took mammary gland cells from sheep and isolate –culture in serum-depleted medium (starving cell) =re-differentiate cell
- Isolate ovulated oocyte, remove chromosomes to get a enucleated oocyte
- Inject donor G0 cells into oocyte under zona pellucida
Implications of cloning on research, medicine and society
1. Irreversibility of genome modifications during development. 2. Gene expression during development.
3. Somatic differentiation
4. Somatic mutations and aging
5. Potency of tissue specific stem cells or adult tissue stem cells.
Economically: cloning of prized livestock (racehorses, pets and endangered species)
Human Cloning: ethical and social issues