L12- Using light to study the brain (optogenetics and dyes) Flashcards
What are optogenetics?
Using light to alter ion channel activity
What is fluorescence?
Electrons are excited by specific waevlengths of light as molecules absorb photons.
Energy loss occurs quickly- light emitted in longer wavelength
How can we measure the movement of Ca when Ca channels open?
With Ca2+ sensitive dyes
What is calcium involved in?
- NT release into synapse via vesicle release proteins
- singalling cascades
- cell division
- blood clotting
What are the steps in fluorescence detecting system in calcium imaging?
- fluorophore- fluorescent molecule (photo bleaching)
- wavelength filters
- excitation source (uv light)
- detector
What are 3 fluorescence instruments?
- Spectrofluoremeter- analyzes fluoerscence (before-after)
- Flow cytometer- analyzes, sorts, counts microscopic particles in stream of fluid- doesn’t produce image of cell.
- Fluorescence microscope- filters weak fluorescent light from other wavelength.
What is Fura-2?
An ion-sensitive dye
When Ca2+ binds to it, its shape is distorted and it changes colour
What’s the problem with indicator dyes like Fura-2? And how do we solve it?
INdicator dyes are polar molceules so can’t cross the membrane.
Add acetoxymethyl ester (AM Ester). Makes it non-polar can cross the membrane. An ester comes off when inside so it can’t recross.
What is GCaMP?
A gentically encoded fluorescent calcium indicator.
Can be targetted to individual cells/tissues for spatial control.
Can make a trasngenic animal that expresses the reporter
How do you get genetically-encoded indicators into cells?
Transfection- inserting foreign DNA/RNA into cells methods- 1. cyoplasmic injection 2. lipid nanoparticles of DNA 3. viral infection 4. Germline incorporation
What is Aequorin?
Bioluminescent protein-based Ca2+ reporter,
Can be genetically encoded like GCaMP.
Does NOT need light to be excited
It’s the source of light in jellyfish that excites GFP.
What does Guangxitoxin- 1E from the Chinese tarantula do?
Binds to KU2.1 potassium channels.
Fluorescent-tagged chemoselective toxin can show us when specific variants of ion channels are activated.
What’s channel rhodopsin?
Rhodopsin from green algae ion channel
What’s halorrhodopsin?
Rhodopsin from halobacteria chloride pump
What do channel rhodopsin and halorrhodopsin both need?
Retinal cofactor
What does directing the expression of optogenic proteins to specific tissues using genetics mean?
Means you can control neurone activation with ligth in restricted cell types
What are opsins?
light-senstive proteins across the animal kingdom
didn’t understand about drosophila- note to self
What are microbial opsins?
directly light-gated ion channels
What are metazoan animal opsins?
GPCRs (different animals use different G-protein signalling pathways in visual transduction)
What are OptoXRs?
Chimeric (fused) proteins made up for:
transmembrane and extracellular domains of vertebrate rhodopsin
intracellular domain of any desired GPCRs