L12 Clinical Procedures and Tips Flashcards
what are the endo requirements for graduation
- three cases
- two endo recalls
- two assisting in grad
- trial mock board
what are the three cases that count towards requirements
- first case: must be a non complicated anterior or premolar tooth
- second case: must be a non-complicated anterior or premolar tooth
- third case: must be a non complicated anterior or premolar toth
- last case: must be a competency (mock board exam plastic teeth)
what do two endo recalls consist of
- any RCT done at UMKC your or others including advanced endo
- should be about 6 months. since completion or last check
- do clinical testing and record results and patients concerns
- 1-2 radiographs no charge
- must be checked by endo faculty. complete the recall on axium and print out sheet for credit
what do the two assists in grad endo consist of
- go to advanced endo clinic and volunteer to assist and observe for 2 half days
- best to do this early in your third year
- you will receive a time unit credit/1.0 day. be sure to get signed card and take to clinical deans office
it is mandatory to assist in the predoc clinic ____ before rendering treatment to your first patient
two weeks
what is the general protocol for clinicians
- protect
- inspect
- collect
- select
what are the parts of Protect for general protocol for clinicians
- patient, yourself, staff
- med and dental history
- vital signs and meds
- other med testing or consults prn
- CC
- expectations/desires attitude of patient
what are the parts of “inspect” in general protocol for clinicians
- problem focused exam: inspection, clinical testing, radiographs,other
- document all findings a separate dx form for each tooth in area of suscpicion
what is the “collect” part of general protocol for clinicians
- exam, testing and radiographic studies perio and restorability
- engage brain
- try to prove or disprove etiology of CC
what is the “select” part of general protocol for clinicians
- the most appropriate dx and tx plan which explains the CC and symptoms and in concert with the exam and testing results
what issues are commonly seen in clinic to be mastered as a clinician in practice
- consultation
- isolate via rubber dam
- documentation
- clinical testing and diagnostic radiographs
- temporary restoration
- time management
- dx and case selection
- patient handling protocol and records
- procedures and incidents
what is done in the consultation appointments BEFORE requesting an endo consult
- complete entry interview: CC
- completet medical and dental hx
- clinical exam and testing
- diagnostic radiographs
- diagnostic forms
-restorability and consult forms - periodontal consult
- tentative dx
- additional testing: transillumination, tracing DST, EPT
you must fill out one dx form including ______________ for each separate tooth requiring endo consult
other teeth in the quadrant and consult form and restorability form
when do you need to take 2-3 new radiographs
- incomplete or inadequate
- more than 2 months old
- any tx, restoration
when do you not ask for an endo consult
any time you have not completed the requirements
what does restorability entail
must have reasonable longevity following heroic restoration