L11 Mating systems Flashcards
What is monogamy?
Having on mate at a time
Having multiple mates
Having multiple males
Having multiple females
Both have multiple
Why is monogamy adaptive?
Two parents better than one, more likely to have both parents if monogamous
Why might birds be socially monogamous?
Could be that it is better to have two parents OR that birds want to be polygynous but often territory and food dispersal mean this is difficult
Why is polygyny rife in mammals?
Because only females can lactate, so restricts opportunity for paternal care
What are the three types of polygyny?
Female defence, resource defence and lekking
What occurs in female defence?
Male guards a small female population, need to be social animals, not far ranging. Eg antarctic fur seal
What occurs in resource defence?
male guards area where females visit
What is double clutching?
Female lays eggs in two nest sites, males look after eggs
What is the polygynous threshold model?
shows how females may gain a higher level of fitness by mating with a male who already has a mate, because of superior food supply, territory etc.