What are the 3 functional groups of muscles of the gluteal region?
1) Superficial layer
2) Hip abductors
3) Lateral rotators of the hip
What are the superficial muscles of the gluteal region?
3 large glutei: Maximus, Medius, Minimus
Tensor fasciae latae
What are the deep muscles/ lateral rotators of the gluteal region?
Superior to inferior:
Piriformis Superior gemellus Obturator internus Inferior gemellus Quadratus femoris
Origin, insertion of the 3 large glutei muscles?
Gluteus maximus: origin = ilium and sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament; Insertion = Gluteal tuberosity or iliotibial tract @ lateral condyle of tibia
Gluteus medius: origin = external surface of ilium; insertion = lateral greater trochanter of femur
Gluteus minimus: origin = ilium; insertion = anterior greater trochanter of femur
Origin, insertion of the tensor fasciae latae?
origin = ASIS and anterior iliac crest
insertion = iliotibial tract (which attaches to lateral condyle of tibia)
Function of superficial gluteal muscles?
Gluteus maximus: powerful extensor of the thigh at the hip joint (for squats, climbing stairs); lateral rotation of thigh
Tensor fasciae latae: weak flexor at hip joint, medial rotator
Gluteus medius and minimus:
abduct and medially rotate thigh, stabilizing the pelvis in the coronal plane (walking on level ground)
Origin, insertion and function of Piriformis?
Origin = anterior sacrum, sacrotuberous lig.
Insertion = Superior greater trochanter of femur
Function = Lateral rotation of extended thigh + Abduct flexed thigh + stabilize hip joint
Origin, insertion and function of Superior and inferior gemellus?
Superior gemellus origin = Ischial spine; Inferior gemellus origin = Ischial tuberosity
Both insertion = Medial greater trochanter of femur
Both function = Laterally rotate extended thigh + Abduct flexed thigh + stabilize hip joint
Origin, insertion and function of Obturator internus?
Origin = Pelvic surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bone
Insertion = Medial greater trochanter
Function = Laterally rotate extended thigh + Abduct flexed thigh + stabilize hip joint
Origin, insertion and function of Quadratus femoris?
Origin = lateral ischial tuberosity
Insertion = Quadrate tubercule on intertrochanteric crest of femur
function = Lateral rotation of thigh + stabilize hip joint
What covers the surfaces of the obturator membrane?
Muscle fibres of the obturator internus and obturator externus cover the inner and outer surfaces of the obturator membrane, respectively
Origin, insertion and function of Obturator externus?
Origin = Obturator foramen margins and obturator membrane
Insertion = trochanteric fossa of femur
Function = Lateral rotation of thigh when hip joint is flexed
What are the muscles of the anterior hip and their collective function?
Flexion of hip (& trunk) and stabilize hip joint
Psoas major, minor + Iliacus = Iliopsoas muscles
Origin, insertion of the anterior hip muscles?
Psoas major:
- Origin = T12 to L5 sides and discs + transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae
- Insertion = Lesser trochanter of femur
Psas minor:
- Origin = T12 - L1 vertebrae and discs
- Insertion = Pectineal line, iliopectineal eminence
- Origin = Iliac crest, iliac fossa, ala of sacrum, sacroiliac ligaments
- Insertion = Tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter of femur
Describe the functional compartments of the thigh?
Divided into anterior and posterior compartments by Lateral intermuscular septum
Posterior compartment subdivided by posterior intermuscular septum to give medial compartment
Medial and anterior compartment separated by medial intermuscular septum
> > 3 functional compartments
Describe the fascia lata structure in the thigh?
Stocking- like layer around muscles
Attached to:
- root of thigh: sacrum, coocyx, hip bone (iliac crest, sacrotuberous lig., ischial tuberosity, pubis)
- inguinal lig.
Laterally thicken to form band: Iliotibial tract (running from the iliac crest to the lateral tibial condyle)
What superficial vein of the leg crosses the fascia lata?
Great saphenous vein transverses the fascia lata
via the saphenous opening inferior to medial end of Inguinal ligament
List the muscles in the anterior extensor group of the thigh?
Quadriceps femoris
What are the components of Quadriceps femoris? Function of Quadricep femoris?
Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis & vastus intermedius
(only the rectus femoris spans the hip joint)
Function = Extension of knee, Rectus femoris stabilize the hip joint
Origin, Insertion and function of Sartorius?
Origin = ASIS
Insertion = medial surface of tibia below medial condyle
Function = flex, abduct and laterally rotate thigh, flex leg at knee joint
List the origin and insertion of the 4 components of Quadriceps femoris?
All 4 insert at Quadriceps tendon»_space; via patella and patellar ligament to the tibial tuberosity
- Rectus femoris: origin = AIIS + ilium superior to acetabulum
- Vastus lateralis: origin = Gretaer trochanter and lateral linea aspera of femur;
- Vastus medialis: origin = intertrochanteric line and medial linea aspera of femur
Vastus intermedius: origin = anterior and alteral surface of femur shaft
What are the ‘ Guy ropes’ at the knee joint?
Pes anserinus
Conjoined tendons of three muscles* that insert onto the anteromedial surface of the proximal tibia
Anterior to posterior at medial knee:
*Sartorius, Gracilis, Semi-Tendinosus
List the 6 muscles in the medial adductor group of the thigh?
1) Pectineus
2) Adductor longus
3) Adductor brevis
4) Adductor magnus (adductor portion)
5) Gracilis
6) Obturator externus
Give the general origin, insertion and function of the medial adductor group of muscles in the thigh?
Origin = Iliopublic ramus, ischial tuberosity
Insertion = back of thigh along linea aspera
Function = adduction of the thigh, medial rotation of thigh
What are the muscles in the posterior flexor group of the thigh?
Hamstring muscles: lateral to medial:
1) Biceps femoris long head
2) Biceps femoris short head
2) Semitendinosus
3) Semimembranosus
4) Hamstring portion of the adductor magnus
What is the common origin and function of the hamstring muscles?
Origin = ischial tuberosity
Function = Flex and rotate knee, extend hip joint during walking
Insertion and function of the posterior flexor group in thigh?
- Biceps femoris: Long and short heads insert at head of fibula; flexes and laterally*** rotates the knee
- Semitendinosus: medial surface of superior tibia
- Semimembranosus: upper part is aponeurotic /membranous; inserts at back of medial tibial condyle
Semitendinosus and semimembranosus function = flex and medially*** rotate the knee
What are the origins of the Biceps femoris heads?
Long head = ischial tuberosity
Short head = linea aspera (and lateral supracondylar line of femur)
Origin, insertion and function of Adductor magnus?
Adductor part:
Origin = inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium
Insertion = Gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line
Function = Adduct + Flex thigh
Hamstring part:
Origin = ischial tuberosity
Insertion = Adductor tubercule of femur
Function = Adduct + Extend thigh
Do not produce movement at the knee joint
Describe the structure of the muscle compartments of the leg?
4 compartments:
Anterior, Lateral , Posterior deep, Posterior superficial
Posterior deep compartment enclosed anteriorly by Interosseous membrane, Posteriorly by Transver intermuscular septum
Anterior and posterior intermuscular septums encloses lateral compartment
What are the 4 muscles in the anterior extensor group of leg?
From medial to lateral:
Tibialis anterior
Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum longus
Peroneus/Fibularis teritus
Common origin and insertion of the anterior extensor muscles of the leg?
tibia/fibula/interosseous membrane
Functions of the anterior extensor muscles of the leg?
Dorsiflex foot & extend toes, invert or evert foot
- Tibialis anterior: Dorsiflex ankle and invert foot
- Extensor hallucis longus: Extend big toe and dorsiflex ankle
- Extensor digitorum longus: Dorsiflex ankle and extend lateral 4 toes
- Peroneus teritus: Eversion of foot
Tonic contraction of which muscles help support the foot arches by acting as “slings” or “ties”?
- Flexor hallucis longus*
- Tibialis posterior
- Peroneus longus* (fibularis longus)
- Peroneus brevis (fibularis brevis)
- Tibialis anterior*
Origin and insertion of Tibialis anterior?
Origin = lateral condyle + Lateral tibia + Interosseous membrane
Insertion = medial cuneiform bone and base of 1st metatarsal
Origin and insertion of Extensor hallucis longus?
Origin = Middle anterior fibula and interosseous membrane
Insertion = Base of distal phalanx of great toe
Origin and insertion of Fibularis/ Peroneus Tertius?
Origin = Inferior anterior fibula and interosseous membrane
Insertion = Base of 5th metatarsal
Origin and insertion of Extensor digitorum longus?
Origin = Lateral condyle + superior medial fibula + interosseous membrane
Insertion = middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
What are the lateral muscles of the leg?
Everters: tendons run behind lateral malleolus
1. Peroneus longus
- Peroneus brevis (more anterior)
Function of lateral muscles of the leg?
Plantarflex and evert foot
Origin and insertion of Peroneus longus?
Origin = Head and superior part of fibula
Insertion = Winds around lateral surface of cuboid to insert at Base of 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
Origin and insertion of Fibularis brevis?
Origin = Inferior lateral fibula
Insertion = Tuberosity on lateral side of 5th metatarsal
What are the superficial posterior flexors of the leg?
1) Gastrocnemius
2) Soleus
3) Plantaris
1 and 2 together known as triceps surae, share a common tendon (Achilles’ tendon or tendo calcaneus)
Origin and function of Gastrocnemius?
Lateral head = lateral condyle of femur
Medial head = Popliteal surface of femur, superior to medial condyle
Function = Plantarflex ankle when knee is extended, raise heel during walking, flex leg at knee joint
Origin and function of Soleus?
Origin = Posterior head of fibula, fibula soleal line, tibia
Function = Plantarflex ankle, stabilize ankle
Origin and function of Plantaris?
Origin = supracondylar line of femur
Function = Helps gastrocnemius in plantarflexion of ankle
What are the Posterior DEEP flexors of the leg?
- Popliteus
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor hallucis longus
Origin, insertion and function of popliteus?
Origin: Lateral condyle of femur, lateral meniscus
Insertion = Posterior tibia
Function = unlocks knee joint by laterally rotating the femur on the tibia
Origin, insertion and function of Flexor hallucis longus?
Origin = Inferior, posterior fibula and interosseous membrane
Insertion = Base of distal phalanx of great toe
Function = Flex great toe at all joint + plantarflexion
Origin, insertion and function of Flexor digitorum longus?
Origin = Medial posterior tibia
Insertion: Base of distal phalanx of toe 2-5
Function = Flexion of toe 2-5, plantarflexion, support arch of foot
Origin, insertion and function of Tibialis posterior?
Origin = interosseous membrane, Posterior tibia
Insertion = Tuberosity of navicular, cuneiform and cuboid + base of 2,3,4 metatarsals
Function = platarflex, inversion
What forms the boundaries of the Tarsal tunnel?
Roof: flexor retinaculum
Floor: talus and calcaneus
Side: medial malleolus
What are the 5 structures that passes through the tarsal tunnel?
@ posterior, medial to lateral: Tom, Dick And Nervous Harry
- Tibialis posterior
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Posterior tibial artery
- Tibial nerve
- Flexor hallucus longus
What are the everters and inverters of the foot?
Inverters (medial):
Tibialis anterior and posterior
Everters (lateral):
Peroneus tertius, brevis, longus
What are the flexors and extensors of the foot?
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Tendon calcaneus
Extensor digitorum longus
Extensor hallucis longus
What is the intrinsic muscles of the foot in dorsal aspect?
Extensor digitorum brevis (to digits 1-4)
Extensor hallucis brevis (big toe)
What are the plantar aspect intrinsic muscles of the foot?
4 layers
1st: Abductor digiti minimi, Flexor digitorum brevis, Abductor hallucis
2nd: Quadratus plantae, Lumbricals
3rd: Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis
Flexor hallucis brevis
4th: Plantar and dorsal interossei
Function of the plantar aspect intrinsic muscles of the foot?
Arch support (acting as “ties”) and to keep the interphalangeal joints straight against the pull of the flexors
> > prevent the curling of toes during walking.