L1 Introduction Flashcards
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
1, a value that varies
2, is a location capable of storing temporary data.And this data can be stored, modified/ replaced, called or deleted.
3, In a dataset, columns are often referred to as variables
4, example; Integer(2,3, -2), Real floating point number, Boolean(true, false), String(“hello”), Date Time (06/10/2019)
Discrete data
has only certain value.
numerical( the number of students in a class) or categorical( red, blue)
Continuous data
is not restricted to defined separate value but can be any numerical value over a continuous range.
ex) temperatures, a person height or weight
Pareto optimal point, set and frontier
In optimisation the term optimum is used to indicate an ideal point between a number of trade-offs(妥協点).
Normaly there is not a single optimal point but rather a set of solutions termed an optimal set.
If the optimal set is drawn in 2 or 3 dimensions, the formulation is referred to as the Pareto frontier.
Fuzzy set
usually logic has been defined by two values, 1 or 0.
This is termed crisp logic with an object being an element of a set or not.
fuzzy logic introduces the concept of membership.
for example, the cheap car is defined between 20000 and 50000 in crisp logic then the fuzzy set expresses a membership of cheap between 10000 and 60000 and 35000 becomes at a membership of 1.
It combines all of the subjective concept of cheap.
Time Series
a sequence of observations which are ordered in time.
is used for searching
maximising or minimising a particular function by systematically choosing input values and computing the output value.