L04: Somatosensory Receptors Flashcards
What is the receptive field?
Area of skin innervated by a single axon
What type of neurone is a sensory neurone? Where does the AP start?
AP starts at nerve ending NOT at axon hillock of cell body (e.g. like in motor neurones)
Types of primary afferent fibres
Aa: carries info from skeletal proprioceptors
Ab: info from mechanoreceptors
Ad: pain & temp
C: pain, temp, itch
Which are the thickest and fastest conducting fibres?
Which type of afferent fibre isn’t myelinated?
What does size of receptive field determine?
Precision of stimulus + 2 point discrimination
Large receptive field —> poor 2 point discrimination
What is an adequate stimulus?
Strength of stimulus that causes AP to be fired in an axon (threshold)
Changes depending on axon + receptor
How does rate of AP propagation relate to the strength of the stimulus?
High energy stimulus = high strength —> faster rate of propagation (remember strength of AP can’t change)
What are slow/non adapting sensory receptors?
AP is maintained if stimulus present - sustained, tonic signalling e.g. pain, stretch
Usually to let body know there is damage occurring etc.
Responds to strength of stimulus
What are adapting sensory receptors?
AP stops if there is sustained stimulus - phasing signalling e.g. touch, feeling of clothes on skin
Usually for non dangerous stimuli
Responds to changes in stimuli
Types of cutaneous sensory receptors?
What are mechanoreceptors?
Tactile receptors responding to touch, pressure + vibration
What fibres are mechanoreceptors associated with + what are the consequences of this?
Ab fibres - large and myelinated for fast conduction
Types of mechanoreceptors
Merkel’s disc (specialised keratinocyte) - sustained light touch
Meissners corpuscles - light touch + vibration
Pancinian corpuscles - deep touch + high freq vibration
Ruffini endings - deep touch & stretch
Hair follicle receptor - v light touch
Describe how Merkel’s discs work
Respond to sustained light touch, found mainly in epidermis of digits + around mouth
Slowly adapting
Allows perception of texture e.g. reading braille
Replaces hair receptors in glabrous skin?