L01 Overview of Science, Technology, and Society Flashcards
Started as “Natural Philosophy”
Deals with the fundamental nature and behavior of the universe
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Science separated when __?
What century?
16th - 17th Century
Philosophy of Science deals with me, na, and ra of scientific facts
Complete the me, na, and ra
All knowledge should be based on objective evidence and experiment
Francis Bacon
Considers only the body and not the mind as subject to laws of nature
Rene Descartes
Thinks that space, time, and causality are forced on experience by the mind
Immanuel Kant
Views progress in science involves a shift in paradigms and considers that a scientist works within accepted paradigm
Thomas Kuhn
Finding truth about the natural world through “scientific method” and social interactions in the scientific community
Science is a h…. a…….
Science is a human activity
Facts are evaluated on what it really is and not as what one perceives it to be
Science is o……..
Science is objective
Challenge and check on data or even perform the same experiment to verify the scientific claims
Science should be v………
Science should be verifiable
Scientific knowledge is not concerned of presenting itself in a realistic picture
Science is a…….
Science is abstract
It is developed to accomodate humans’ basic needs to survive and thrive
3 words: Technology as Adaptation
P, E, and U
When did great technological advancements happened when science conjured with technology?
Industrial Revolution
Invention v. Innovation
Invention - creation of new product
Innovation - improvement of an existing technology
Technological change through innovation can happen through … and …
S and D
Substitution - more advanced technology replaces the same product
Diffusuion - innovation is adapted by certain group that influences other to adapt the same
When did STS started to emerge?
2 World Wars
When is the structure of Scientific Revolution