L01 - Chelonians Flashcards
Basics points to determine a tortoise?
- dry land terrestrial species
- largely herbivorous
- high dome shell and elephantine feet
- forelimbs clad in large overlapping scales
Basic points to determine a turtle?
- marine species
- largely carnivorous
- tendency for flatter shells and have webbed feet
Basic points to determine a terrapin?
- freshwater/brackish (slightly salty)
- largely carnivorous
- webbed feet with claws, are multifunctional
Key characteristics of chelonians?
- ectothermic (require external heat source)
- heliothermic (bask in sun to heat up)
- size: 10cm to 2.4m
- lifespan: 10 to 200 years
- no outer ear
- oviparous (lay eggs, bury, no maternal care)
- will bromate to avoid extreme cold
Locomotion in chelonians?
- limbs project sideways and have an awkward gait
- muscles tire easily and progress is laborious
- can move a great speed and cover quite a distance
What is terrestrial chelonians general anatomy?
- high domed
- stump legged
- small headed vegetarians
- usually found in hot and arid climates
What is marine chelonians general anatomy?
- flatter and softer shell for better streamlining
What is freshwater chelonians general anatomy?
- webbed feet
- smooth shell
What are the types of necks seen in chelonians?
- crytodira (hidden neck) so flex vertebrae vertically
- pleurodira (side necked) so flex vertebrae laterally
What is included in cryptodira families?
- most living tortoises and turtles
- sea turtles
- leatherback turtles
- tortoises
- soft shell turtles
- snapping turtles
What neck movement is seen in cryptodira families?
- they lower their necks and pull their head straight back into the shell
What is included in pleurodira families?
- mata mata
- snake necked turtles
- side neck turtles
(all are freshwater aquatic species)
What neck movement is seen in pleurodira families?
- neck folds sideways along the body under the shells margin
- the venerable exposure of the neck area is likely to have prevented the evolution of terrestrial side-necks
What is the carapace?
- an endoskeleton
- their upper shell structure
What is the structure of their ribs and vertebrae?
- modified rib cage and vertebrae
- thoracic and lumbar
- compromised of fused living dermal bone covered by keratinised epidermis
What is the structure of the carapace?
- the upper shell
- plates is he nine bony layer
- fusion of dermal bone, ribs, thoracic, lumbar vert
- scutes (sections) is the outer layer which is made of keratinised scales
How many scutes does each area have?
- 5 central (vertebral) scutes
- 4 lateral (pleural/costal) scutes
- numerous marginal scutes
- 1 nuchal cute
What is the structure of the plastron?
- the lower part of the shell
- compromised of living dermal bone covered by keratinised epidermis
- joined by pillars of shell
- some species have hinges which help shut the shell
What is the structure of their vertebral column and ribs?
- limited vertebrae
- 8 cervical vertebrae and 10 trunk vertebrae
- trunk vertebrae have rib attachment which fuses to the dermal bone plates
- have no sternum
What is the structure of the pectoral and pelvic girdles?
- unique in chelonians
- act like vertical pillars which add strength
- attached to both the plastron and carapace by pectoral and pelvic muscles
What is the structure of their limbs?
- humerus and femur are short
- fused carpus and tarsus for strength
- 5 claws on each foot
- tortoises have only 4 claws on the hindlimb
- have scales
What is the structure of their skull?
- head is small to allow retraction
- have sturdy skill and rigid upper and lower jaws
- possess a horny beak which is edged with keratin
What is the structure of their nares and hard palate?
- paired nostrils
- partial hard palate
What is the structure of their trachea?
- protected by their glottis
- complete cartilaginous rings
- bifurcates high into the neck, into 2 bronchi which lead into the lungs