L&T Basic Stuff Flashcards
Section 23
To gain protection under the act there must be a business tenancy:
1. That is a tenancy
2. Premises is used for a business
3. Occupation of at least part of the property by a tenant
4. Occupancy of more than 6 months
5. Not be an exempted tenancy (e.g. at will)
6. Competent LL (FH or T with 14 months remaining)
Section 24
Tenancy, which act applies to, doesn’t end because of time but only when one party serves notice –> holding over if no notice served
Section 25
LL serves notice to T 6-12 months before lease termination.
Can either be hostile or non-hostile.
If LL wants to grant new lease, will serve this.
Outline terms of lease and new rent.
If LL wants T out serve a hostile S25 notice , with a S30 ground for reason of removal
Contents of a S25 notice
- Name and address of LL and T
- Property address
- Notice of date to end tenancy –> confirmation of new lease or not –> date response required by
- If non-hostile new proposed terms
- If hostile s.30 reason
Section 26
T can serve notice requesting a new tenancy 6-12 months before lease end.
S26 notice contents
- State new lease terms and rent
- If L opposes then counter notice to be served within 2 months
How soon does a counter notice if LL opposes T’s new terms need to be served?
2 months
Section 27
Notice to be served any time by T if they want to leave after expiry date (3 month notice)
If T moves out before expiry date then no notice if property is vacant.
Section 30: Grounds for refusal of a new lease
Discretionary (court will decide if reasonable)
1. Breach of repairing covenant
2. Persistent delay in paying rent
3. Other substantial breach
4. Provide suitable alternative accommodation
5. Uneconomic sub-division
6. Demolition/Reconstruction (show firm intention)
7. Owner Occupation (LL must have owned for at least 5 yrs)
S30 Mandatory compensation payable
1xRV if less than 14 yrs
2xRV if more
1995 LTA introduced
AGA - authorised guarantee agreement
abolished privity of contract for new leases as of 1/1/96
1988 LTA introduced
cannot be unreasonably witheld
AGA what is it?
Outgoing tenant must guarantee the lease covenant of the incoming tenant - can only go one position