L'impératif Flashcards
Watch television!
(as said to one person)
Regarde la télé!
(Remember: -ER verbs lose the final “s” in the “tu” form of the Impératif.)
Don’t eat the pizza.
(as said to one person)
Ne mange pas la pizza.
(Remember: -ER verbs lose the final “s” in the “tu” form of the Impératif command form)
Put the papers on the desk.
(as said to a group)
Placez (Posez…Mettez) les papiers sur le bureau.
Open the door!
(as said to one person)
Ouvre la porte!
Close the door.
(as said to one person)
Ferme la porte.
Don’t talk in class.
(as said to a group)
Ne parlez pas en classe.
Put the papers on the table.
(as said to one person)
Place (Mets, Pose) les papiers sur la table.
Let’s watch a movie.
Regardons un film (une vidéo).
Study for the test!
(as said to an entire class)
Étudiez pour le test!
Let’s take the train to Montreal.
Prenons le train à Montréal.
Don’t eat the pizza.
(as said to one person)
Ne mange pas la pizza.
(“la” would only change here if it were an indefinite or partitive article: un, une, du, de la, de l’, des)
Write down the notes.
(as said to an entire class)
Écrivez les notes.
Go to school!
(as said to one person)
Va à l’école!
Go to school!
(as said to a group)
Allez à l’école!
Let’s go to the movies (cinema).
Allons au cinéma.
Go to the store.
(as said to one person)
Va au magasin.
Let’s go to the store.
Allons au magasin.
(Allons-y au magasin.)