✅🔹L'Imparfait Flashcards
What does l’imparfait decribe
How people were / repeated actions / past opinions / past feelings
How to form l’imparfait
Take the nous form of the present tense (any verb) -ons and add the imperfect ending
Je.... ais Tu ...... ais Il/elle/on ..... ait nous ..... ions Vous ...... iez Ils/elles...... aient
It was good
C’était bein
It was bad
C’était mauvais
It was extremely fun
c’était extrêmement amusant
We could (+inf)
On pouvait (+inf)
We wanted to (+inf)
On voulait (+inf)
We had to
On devait (+inf)
I was happy / sad
J’étais contente/ triste
There were lots of people / it was busy
Il y a avait du Monde
What do verbs ending in -ger take an extra letter of and in which forms?
They take an extra E in the Je / tu / il + elle / ils + elles form
Je mangEais
we wanted to go to the movies but my mother wanted to go to the big restaurant in manchester. it was very boring
on voulait aller au cinéma mais ma mère voulait aller au grand restaurant de manchester. c’était très ennuyeux
i was finishing my homework last weekend but this week i will go shopping with my sister and her friends
je finissais mes devoirs le week-end dernier mais le semain prochain j’irai du shopping avec ma soeur et ses amis